Thursday, August 13, 2009

Silverado 427 Ss Pacos

10-13/08 - educational trips

Ibillin By car from Jerusalem, with my host, Mohammed and Omar at the helm, also a lawyer, a Communist, trained in USSR, old-style intellectual, known for his articles in the newspaper Israeli Communist

Retained pieces of speech and their responses to my questions.

`` This is Nazareth, where Christ is born. It is an Arab city, even today. See the next hill, with those new buildings? That Hill was formed from lands the property of the Arabs of Nazareth. All have been confiscated from the Jews to build a new Jewish city, alongside the Arab

`` `` They will not because no two states will not allow Isreaele ``. Look at Lieberman, the minister of foreign affairs, the religious right: he said yesterday that the Arabs should leave, in one way or other things, by Israel, that this is the land of the Jews. And those like him for `Israel` means all of Palestine.
With such legal instruments can do that? For them, the `single contract worth on this earth is the Bible, which assigns Palestine to the Jews.
`` [confirm these reports, read in Haaretz.]

`` What are the problems of the issue of two states? Jerusalem, the Jews just want for them and do not accept that it is also the capital of Palestine, the return of the 4.5 million refugees driven out by Israel in the various wars since `48; the dismantling of settlements in the West Bank and Gaza.
Colonies are only 432 in the West Bank, with 800,000 inhabitants.

`` `` For us, the two-state solution is a compromise, a stretch. Divide the Arabs forcibly. We are Israelis, the country will never change, even to go in the future state of Palestine. We were born in this city. Here we want to stay and change things politically. Israel is a democracy. The Arabs have 20%. We can do much, even if c `and` a lot of internal discrimination. And I'll tell you a lawyer. The laws are there and they are right. But are often not enforced properly ... you close one eye. We tradiuzione
of secular, Marxist-ideal solution for us but it is unrealistic-it would be a single Palestinian state, without religious principles in the constitution it `religious symbols in the flag. Where Jews and Arabs live together, respecting all religious communities, with mixed democratic governments, the laity. Instead
SO we have: a state-based religion (Jewish) and multi-ethnic-Israel, and a state based on ethnic origin (Arabic) and multi-religious - Palestine. A mess, right?

`` `` Abu Mazen? A son of a bitch. He killed Arafat to take his place. Together with Sharon, the CIA and the Mossad. They wanted to take out Arafat. they have poisoned. Only now are opening an investigation `,` because someone has pulled out of Arafat `s last Fiara proiprio where he wrote this: that he had been warned that Abu Mazen and so on. wanted to kill him. After a few days and is left in a coma and then, no one ever knew how, is dead!

`` `` Arab governments are all corrupt. The Jordanians and the Egyptians say that we Arabs remained in Israel are traitors to the Palestinian cause. Instead we are left to defend our culture in our land. Sometimes it is a struggle cuotidiana, made with the culture, the commitment, but it is the only way to assert our rights, our culture. Never change the democracy of Israel, which is my country, where I was born, with the dictatorship of an Arab government. An Arab leader that I like? None! Indeed: Nasser. But it is dead.

`` `` Arabs are hospitable. You can go around in all the Arab villages and cities of Israel and Palestine, and we will try to help but do not speak your language, you will have the coffee, water, food. They ask you where you come from, will accompany you if you need. The Arabs are curious, they are open. `Not so the Jews. I have many Jewish friends, work with them, there is `no problem. But I'm cold, are wary. They always fear. Watch as the kibbutzim are structured ... like a ghetto! We want shut up alone, and the rest of the world outside! The neighbor, a colleague `s friend, if is not of their religion.

`` `` This city is Jericho. Now look: This is one of the three access roads to the city. Watch: Israeli troops made a pietrre-foot barrier to prevent the passage of cars from the road. Yes, there are the other two being from `the other hand, towards the border of Jordan. `Apart from the inconvenience for those who must move for work, which takes 40 minutes more, is not it an open invitation to go from here?

`` `` c` and `When was the` intifada, or the war in Gaza, or there are reprisals, all these ... for us Israeli Arabs, it is difficult, it is an inner conflict: on one hand solidariazziamo with the Palestinians who are like us; d `other hand, this is our country, even though we are opposed to government policy. Then maybe we make peaceful protests, demonstrations, strikes, but also with many Israeli Jews, pacifists, are many, solidariazziamo together with the Palestinians.

`` As we speak they speed along the Jordan Valley to Jerusalem: the spectacle of the great desert and the mountains of Jordan is underpinned by the continued appearance of two very different forms of housing: in the valley, the Bedouin camps, dozens and dozens, made of tents, sheets, cabins, groups of camels, women and men to lie close to the ground do not know what that quarried from this land without a fully sabbiosam Filko d `grass on the mountain, the 'colonies', which are small clusters of houses and cobbled together as strictly fenced high-security prisons to real city-fortresses, with impressive skyscrapers that rise from nowhere sembranmo of this mystical desert them, even abitaten by tens of thousands of people are surrounded by high concrete walls, such as medieval castles. In general, the colonies appear to be made entirely of dark gray concrete, very bad, throw them `as if they wanted them in one night, to make the world a fait accompli to the rising of the sun. It is more or less like this: the policy of fait It's always been done and the main strategy of the governments of Israel, except perhaps those of Rabin and Barak.
improbable rise to colonies around woods, totally unrealistic in this desert, and there with that one a glance to find that I am the tragic issue of West Bank water: hundreds of colonies-packed weapons available to the settlers to become private justice (that being ultra-Orthodox have, among others, the privilege of guaranteed impunity ') upstream of the already scarce water sources and settle in their territory, leaving Palestinian Bedouin camps and cities in the valley in a drought totgale `. Furthermore, with the cancellation of the tributaries, the Jordan is reduced to a trickle, and disappearing ... Never mind, baptize Christ 'in the mud, then the long run, only with sand.

From Haifa to Ibillin, and in taxi with Yusef, jew, 55

Loved by his monologue.

`` I am jew, you see, I have no problems with the Arabs. They can come to Israel if they want, everyone can come to Israel. Okay, I also have the AICI Arabs. The problem is the Palestinians. You know, for us, Jerusalem is the center of the world. Do you understand? The center of the world. It is our religion. We can not give up Jerusalem. It is our capital. We can not divide it. The Palestinians do not want to understand. Want to know
what I think? You want to know? I think Israel has to take Jerusalem. With the force with peace, do not know, but must take it. The Arabs will never succeed.

`` `` When I say `kill 'I mean the Palestinian Arabs. Israeli Arabs do not! No, not with them there is `no problem.

`` `` With the Arabs can not make peace. We are at war with the Arabs 3000 years. Yes, it is true, with some Arab countries, the `we did it. L `Egypt. Jordan. But with others it is impossible that Syria, for example: They want the Golan! But why, I do not understand! It was their up to the war in `67. But it was a desert. They are not gonna do anything. Instead, the Jews did the trees grow, they did a beautiful garden, there are tourists. And they want it back! You know Hong Kong? We could do like this: buy it for 100 years. Then it shows. Beiu take so much money, the Syrians, you know? We could give you lots of good money. But this is my idea, el Nonda government. `But I also think that the government thought of that: why they are more intelligent than me. `But I'm also intelligent. Clever.

`` `` L `Iran. Why he wants to destroy Israel? I do not understand. You have your country, and we have ours. Live and let live. What do you want from us. You know what I say. They want the atom. Yes, we too abbiamno several. But for us to start the missiles it takes many hands that push the button same time. Li `it only takes one. Just Achmadinejad pushes the button and the missile part.

`` `` Do you know what I say? If Iran `s missile kills lanciua the 100,000 Jews. For we are many, because we are a small people. Then we launch so many missiles that kill millions of Iranians. Do you understand? Millions!

`` `` Why are all against us? Tell me why `l` Europe is always against us. You want to know why? I'll tell you. Why do the television to see the children and women dead in the street. But they do not see that the terrorists hide behind their women and children and shoot at our soldiers. So what should our soldiers? Shoot! Kill them all. But are forced, you know? They are the terrorists who make them die. But the world is always against Israel. But we are strong, we are very strong. We can defend themselves.

`` `` Israel is the most beautiful country in the world. I've got shot so many, even to Italy. But Israel is much more beautiful. If people did not think it is dangerous, tourists would be all here. There would be a lot of money. You can not imagine. Ah, yes: I love Israel. I am a patriot.

`` `` `You know what I like about Italy? Waving! And you know what is the word that I like more in Italian: Fuck you! ``

Yusef is produced in a series of matches between various type of wrong 'fuck' and various gestures caught at random in his repertoire. Ride. Very.
I say, you're good, you look just like Italian.

NOTE: Yusef
While talking, I remember an article I read `3 days ago in Haaretz: The mayor of a seaside town has allocated a sum of $ 1,000,000 for those who bring evidence of the` ` Sirenza existence of which is sighted by tourists over the past several days ...
warlike scenarios include identification with biblical and marine views, maybe someone in this country has lost all sense of reality ...

From Ibillin in Haifa, and in taxi Assan, Arabic, 52.

Talk `s bad English. But there understand with a mix of many languages \u200b\u200band gestures. Carry-over in the third person.

Assan has 8 children. Yes, with one wife. They do not have more than one wife. Once. Perhaps even in Africa, Egypt ... do not know. But the Palestinians have only one wife.
Jobs in Haifa, in Ibillin c `and` not working for a taxi. Haifa Jews, Muslims and Christians live in peace. Haifa her friends are all Jews. No problem.
Among the people there are no problems. The problems are political. Liberman [more than] is a great fascist wants to expel all Arabs from Israeloe. Assan Nonja `may want to understand why such a thing. He is born to us. His father, his grandfather. Their homes, their properties. Her six daughters and two sons live them `,` working them, 3 have already a family ... Entering
shows me the houses in Haifa in Arabic style. He tells me that those houses were all Arabs, until `48. Then came many Jews from Poland, Russia, Germany, and their army has chased away the rightful owners. Gradually: Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. Assan For this is the original problem. Why should one chase another out of his house?
He tells me of the war with Lebanon in 2006. Haifa is 50 km from Lebanon. He tells me that the Lebanese missiles for a month hit the city. The story is the same as that made me Morad, my first evening in Israel (see first post). He says he fired the rockets to the Lebanese defeat Israel, but are dead Jews and Christians and Muslims alike, in those missiles. People do not ever want war. According to Assan people want peace and live in peace. They are the politicians who want war. And people always lose out. Of any religion. Do not even bother to look at who's dead in the end.

Assan is a simple man, uneducated, very humble. `He loves Italy because the football is AC Milan. It is emotional and curious, with this absurd mix of languages \u200b\u200band gestures, struggles to make himself understood. At the end of nis apologizes to speak English, he is ashamed. But he likes to talk to people, is justified.
Hassan Yusef is so humble as arrogant, intolerant possibilities with regard Yusef, naive as Yusef is wise, sweet as Yusef is rude.
It costs 40 NIS instead of 150.
IF you happen to be in Haifa and need a taxi, VI COUNCIL ASSAN.

Back to Jerusalem by bus to the old town.
I hear someone who curses and hits my backpack. An old white-haired, stooped, toothless and dry is bothered by cursing `footprint of my bagaglio.Dopo I apologized humbly, the vicissitudes of life lead me to sit in front of him, not to succumb to shake the mad rush of the crowds in bus crazy crowds and traffic of this holy city.
His smile suddenly opens up an absolute dental shortage. It attacks a speech in a language where it differs very few words in English, most in the mixed state of his oral cavity.

Rioporto the few sentences that I grasped the meaning. `` I

Iranian jew ... Came here when he is come Komeimi. Achmadinejad is crazy. You are jew? Are you a Christian? Christian's okay. Jews are good, Christians are good. The Muslim terrorists. Are you married? No? Male. Married.


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