Monday, August 31, 2009

Big Swollen Nipples Of Dog

30/08 - Pasolini in At-Tuwani

A Tuwani get there by changing 5-minibus taxi. `It is a village in the far south of the Palestinian territories: 300 people, many children, the only form of subsistence farming. Coming
I think if Pasolini, during his visit to Palestine had come to these places and forgotten desert was filmed here with the Gospel. `C is indeed a certain resemblance to Matera, where the gospel is was then shot. The houses are a mix of stone buildings, holes in rocks, wooden fences, and recently the addition of concrete structures made by men in the house and children of all ages.
`There is running water: there is` an open well on the aquifer. Regoplarmente is also a `tank` s ACF (Action Against Hunger, the European Communities) which fills the tanks of individual homes, assicurtando a little bit of water for a few days. `There is mains powered. The energy is produced in a country with a Genarito Banzin, and distributed to all the houses for four hours a day, at night. So goes the washing machine and the only large fridge in the small shop is unique in the country is sent at full speed for a few hours of cool in which all bring any leftover food.
On the hill next to where there are the 20 houses of Tuwani, about 200 meters, c `and` a good colony, fairly new, orderly and rileccata as a village of low mountains. Next to the colony there is `a nice grove, a rioseto, an orchard, all created artificially by pumping the water to force the pace out of the aquifer, with the results as is now virtually dried up. If it does not rain within one month if the people of Tuwani plaice `evil. D `Furthermore, according to the Oslo Accords (1993) the Palestinians are not possible to dig more in depth of 27 meters, even in" their "territory. Here we are in "their" territory, which should become fledged Palestinian state. `But, this land, like most, is regarded as" Area C ", that is under complete military control, civil construction and urban and especially Israel. It is this state that now even the Israeli right is prepared to grant under the pressures of Obama in a state controlled all aspects of life of its citizens from another state. Then someone remembers Arafat as "the man she did not want peace," when he refused to `all` the last of the agreements fiurmare cones Barak ...
But back to us ... no water, in other words. We make the cost me and my guests when I can not pull the water after you poop. The water tank is over this morning and no one knows when he comes back she is the tanker. With a bit of luck tonight or tomorrow.
As for electricity, Tony Blair, Special Envoy Quartet in Palestine, has been here a few months ago and said that Tuwani has the right to prosper and develop, or at least beyond the threshold of poverty. That was an invitation to the Israeli government not to prevent the construction of infrastructure.
few days after the `Palestinian authorities began to plant the mast to connect the country to the network sor" national ". On the fifth or sixth pylon planted bildozzer Israelis have arrived with a demolition order. C `and` little to do, they decide, and nothing binds them to provide explanations. So it's all stopped.
vision from top of the hill is instructive: Imagine: you see the country with crowds of children running around muccicosi and dusty debris of houses and sheep; more in the `colony decorated with bows and wood. Below, down the street of the battered Palestinian masts broken. The road crosses the high road "by-pass road linking the settlements with each other and to the territory of the State of Israel. The bypass road is closed to the movement of cars not registered in Israel ... that is, the Palestinians! The bypass road fragments that form a dense network throughout the state `1ipotetico isolating Palestinian areas and making it impossible for the free movement of persons. This road is well equipped with lamps connected to the network eletrtica Israel, and on every lamp post are two Israeli flags. This is the nascent Palestinian state, gentlemen!
But let me go ahead, is not that I wanted to come here.
The flourishing colony, like all settlements, is considered illegal by the community internaizonale (internaizonale under the law) but they are recognized, supported, encouraged and defended by the State of Israel. Next to the colony, in the grove, is born a few years an outpost. L `" `outpost is an extension of the colony so as to be illegal to be illegal even by Israel. There is an order of demolition of settler costruizioni that is never taken into consideration by anyone. L` outpost is almost bordering on more houses outside the village of Tuwani. And among the colony outpost `el pass a dirt road that connects to another village still Tuwani more small, Tuba. A
Tuwani c `and` the school (also on this hangs a demolition order because 'Israel has never granted permission for the construction of a school `s they have built the same and is still standing, not the same for the mosque, but that is demolished, again illegally, rebuilt ... but at this rate brackets by opening up everything that deserves to be told is never not come to the core of my speech!)
In short, the 15-20 Tuba children go to school in Tuwani, ok?
settlers and the inhabitants of this outpost in 2002 began to insult, to attack and crush those children between 6 and 10 years, okay? The inhabitants
dfi Tuwani and Tuba have chosen to actively non-violent strategy: no stones, no intifada: law, law, observers internaizonali. Also because it seems `these settlers are the worst kind: the religious nationalists, much more formidable iuncattiviti while the ultra-Orthodox, who raves about 24 hours on 24 contemporary revival of the Torah but do not recognize the State of Israel.
Even after these attacks to Tuwani there are two observers associaizoni internaizonali: one Italian, Operation Dove, and one American, Christian Peacemaker Team. This ten people go around all day to escort children and shepherds armed with cameras, and as soon as you intreavedono settlers began to record everything. On you tube there is a bit of video. In 2004
But is that the settlers' attack happened this group of people and seriously enough ferissero an American who was filming. Then came the scandal is the Knesset (parliament israleiano) who decided that these settlers exuberant actually be kept in check a little bit. So five years from the children of Tuba are escorted daily by two Israeli soldiers on a geep from home to school. The Israeli soldiers defending the Palestinian children by Israeli settlers. Meanwhile the `outpost is always there, and none of Israel and has been under investigation for rape, beatings, threats and intimidation. Then in the afternoon, it happens that the children see the same soldiers who escorted them gelntilmente the morning break at home and beat and threatening his father and brother, warning him not to bring the sheep to graze in an area visible from the colony, because `this is a provocation that is" nervous "the settlers. Even if the land is the property of the shepherd? Even if the land is the property of the shepherd.
What can I say?
rocky hilltop there is `an old tree and I and David Conrad of Operation Dove we sit down to meditate. We observe a landscape merravigliosoe mmiracoloso here. The wind sweeps the dust and passes between the leaves and skin. How
their daily practice, we share a reading and reflection on a passage from the Gospel.


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