Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Atrial Tachycardia Sinus Tachycardia

ABOUT THE VISA? Cremosano to the crime of Angelo

A team to investigate the creamy
Ogliari Angel of Death, killed the night of
30 and 31 October 2007. The investigation at risk of filing
ANDRA 'IN ONDA MONDAY 9 November 2009

Cremosano - A heinous crime, the investigation in which prosecutors are traveling to the storage, the memory of Angelo Ogliari in the words of his friend David Arcari, president of the "Parents Forever" and the crew of 'Who has seen "that came to investigate a murder case that is still not guilty. For three days the journalist Paola Grauso the preparation of the known program of RAI will be groped cream to give an answer to that question is the crime of auto dealer creamy. Angelo Ogliari was killed in his house a creamy notes between 30 and 31 October 2007. They found him in the bathroom of the garage surrounded by a pool of blood and his skull smashed. For that crime was completed in register of suspects his ex-wife Jolanta Lewandoska and fellow Uruguayan Edgar Fragaldines. Both are always guilty.
The investigation has stalled "We will see some good," said David Arcari that always strives to keep alive the memory of Angelo, who recently had a meeting with the attorney for Daniel Borgonovo review progress on an investigation that the truth is doomed to failure, "we Angelo, there'll never forget, and the fact that there is here the program" Chi l'ha visto? "may be an important stimulus" » . And in the Attorney Grauso go for news on a survey which once had been opened by the prosecutor Benito Melchionna and never gave the impression of being close to discovering the truth. The crew will remain in town until tomorrow. Yesterday, in addition to Arcari, was interviewed the mayor of Cremosano, Raphael Perrino, who fought for him to be rebuilt the truth of the facts and found guilty, to date, however, it appears very likely check-in.
The legal battle for her daughter Diana Angelo Ogliari last year of his life he fought desperately for his daughter Diana at his side. The girl had gone to Poland with his mother and was not returned. Angelo has always contested custody to the mother and had also appealed to the Polish court. In her fight was supported by the group of parents who gather around Arcari Parents Association and for Always. Some judgments were given reason to Ogliari, but he never had time to hug his daughter. Some - but investigators have always suspected that people were more - I waited in the courtyard of his house and broke it massacred. A murder, that of Cremosano, which risks impunity. A story that will star in an episode of "Chi l'ha visto?".

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Techdeck Truks On Berlin Wood

Corriere della Sera on 20 October 2009

Cream Two years ago the crime Ogliari.
's investigation should be closed by December.
Yellow daughter's contention
A murder 'forgotten'
No letters rogatory
for Polish wife accused of murder.
Investigations Mystery of the three footprints
a foot nude
found by Ris on the stage of 'murder

CREAM - In a few days will be two years. Two years Ogliari Angelo was murdered in his house of Cremosano two years that the daughter Diana (where to be entrusted to him after a final ruling) live in Poland with his mother, two years on the register are written the names of suspects Women, Witzack Marzena Jolanta Lewandowska, 42, and his partner Edgar Fagraldines, 49, accused of murder. Two years in which the main suspect, heard briefly in cream only once four months after the crime by a young judge, is not never even been questioned. And so this story is likely to fall inexorably 's oblivion, despite the many clues contained in the folders' s investigation to be closed in December. A police officer today at the National Summit of Public Safety says that a crime is solved in the first 24 hours or never. Here are the past two years, without even a letter of request was made to "squeeze" the 'ex-wife Ogliari living in Poznan, Poland (where he was joined by the Courier a few days after the crime), and that in these two years is also failed several times in Crema, where he lives and works his partner. But there were other holes in 'investigated by Pesiri pm: Where you do not know' is over 's car Ogliari which is not considered by Ris and that between the' else seems to find a cell phone, the data were not cross Telecom printouts of the 'cells' Cream of the area and creamy in the hours around the crime (the night between 30 and 31 October), have not been checking records of many cameras at toll road. Surveys of Ris is instead revealed an interesting detail: at the scene there 'was a woman. While attempting to clean up traces left three impressions of his bare feet wet with the blood of the victim who flooded the garage. Length, width and shape of the footprints - Ris write in their report delivered more than a year ago to judges - are very similar to those of the 'suspect' with an overlap quite impressive. " Unfortunately, the fingerprint data are missing details such as papillary ridges which would change l 'element in a test. But the clues are many. The contest for the 'custody of Diana ending October 9, 2007 when the decision becomes enforceable. On October 24 Ogliari in Poland to take the baby, but mother and daughter are gone and so back in Italy waiting for a call from 's embassy. On October 26, also Lewandowska and his partner are in Italy. On 30 morning Ogliari presents a complaint to the police in which he says that the 'ex-wife is a cream and turns with a blonde wig (a fact which will then be confirmed by the woman), adding that he stalked and guarded by Fagraldines and feel in danger. The next day is going to go to the chief prosecutor Benito Melchionna but on the night of 30 and 31 at least two people waiting for him hidden in the garden of the villa of creamy. When you enter the gate will be attacked kicked, punched and locked. Then drag the box and finished with an incredible violence. On 31 morning and Lewandowska Fagraldines car share for Poland.
Luigi Corvi (Corriere della Sera.)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Welcome Note 26th January

ANGELO CRIME Ogliara, ranging to the archive. EVIL TRIUMPHS ON THE PROPERTY ....

OF October 15, 2009
Arcari (Parents forever):
"The prosecutor will file without evidence murder Ogliari "
At what point is the investigation about the murder of Angelo Ogliari, killed in the early hours of October 31, 2007? The question we were there the mail no more than a week ago when the Association The voice of parents always had commemorated their poor partner and friend murdered. And if the President is also made David Arcari that holding a pen and paper, wrote to Attorney Daniel Borgonovo to know what is the architect on the second floor of the court of cream. A surprise (it was the third time I asked for the hearing without Arcari obtain it), the prosecutor called him and gave him an appointment for Tuesday at 11. Arcari And we went to the appointment and was told that he would never have wanted to hear. And that is that it is true that the prosecution has requested a second extension, which expires in January, but the novelty is that the murderess or killers remain unpunished because the attorney is willing to close the investigation without asking for the dismissal of the case referral requests for trial. In practice, no evidence was found against the two suspects, the wife of Angelo Ogliari and his current partner and what the attorney has earned in two years of investigation, the prosecutor does not feel like sending them to court Assize risking a bad impression. End of story. But the attorney has left open a crack, however, saying that if something were to move they are ready to reopen the proceedings and go to the fondo.Indagini wrong from the outset led to this final solution, painful and not at all gratifying. So if something happens that was unimaginable in Cremosano we saw a perfect crime. Or, as the leader of the Ris: "There is no perfect crime, but investigations are imperfect." (Pier Giorgio Ruggeri)
Angelo Ogliari found dead October 31, 2007
Meredith Kercher was found dead Nov. 2, 2007
Two young lives cruelly broken ......
today we can say
Meredith Justice
Justice Angelo NO
Why ...???
Maybe nobody will give us' this answer ....
There is a perfect crime? Respond Colonel Luciano Pink Commander RIS of Parma.
"the perfect crime there is no word of Colonel Luciano Garofano Commander Ris di Parma who spoke at a press conference at the Science Museum in Milan says: "..... with all the tools we have virtually all the crimes should be discovered, then it is clear that there are so many variables, often resources are not as 'appropriate to make this realistic perfection and then unfortunately it ends in the perfect crime what can' be an imperfect or incomplete survey .... ... "The Colonel Pink states that every contact leaves a trail ......... Asked why 'the perfect crime becomes Colonel Pink replies: "..... Because 'resources, the merger would not allow us to be so' efficient and thus' be made perfect in my opinion potentially solve every crime solved ........." words that leave no doubt Angelo's killers because they are not brought to justice .....
Association President David Arcari The Voice of Parents Forever.

Friday, October 9, 2009

At What Age Do Women Learn To Masterbate


Last night, October 7th starting at 20:00 with an S. Mass in the church and Trescore Cremasco is' remembered a great man but also a great pope'.... Dear Angelo Ogliari murdered two years ago 'by hands unknown ..... perhaps only the prosecutor's participation in the cream ....... Good night .... but once again our local politicians might have preferred a good dinner than to remember a person who gave his life for a justice that more 'than once turned his back to them all .... it' s our more 'felt contempt .... After the Holy Mass celebrated by parish priest Fr Paul went to the oratory where 'was donated to the Scroll of Fatherhood' which was awarded to Angel at the March 19, 2008 in Rome for having dedicated his life to trying to look after children for believing that the love of a father was a commitment to grow beyond over all obstacles and risks, to have been confirmed as most tragic ...... Before the gift you and 'give a brief memory of Angelo by the President of The Voice of Parents Forever and from the village priest Don Paolo, a very touching memories. The people who filled the room and asked the oratory will continue 'to seek justice for Angelo.La attorney should know that we do not now or ever forget our dear angel and we want his murderers are brought to justice as soon as possible .... .. We are also ready to start against the Public Prosecutor in heavy cream if we will not be heard ...... Into this day a new letter to the Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor of cream to be received and listened to if we do not receive any communication we are ready with the associations throughout Italy to demonstrate in front of the prosecutor all our rage .... why 'Angelo deserves JUSTICE ...... Just wondering ..... AT THE BOTTOM OF JUSTICE We all hope that the attorney receive us and give us assurances on this amazing story .....

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hiv Symptoms Next Day?

On the other side of the Mediterranean-employment thoughts total military

We chase each other, are a team, fast, quiet, dark, armed and determined to kill. I do not know why, I do not know why we sought and punished. We run blindly into the night, through the suburbs. The buildings are ever more sparse, it is difficult to be repaired to hide, the soldiers approaching, I feel the fear growing in me and the people around me. Everyone thinks about how to save themselves. Space is always open, I take refuge somewhere immediately. Within a hut of wood, is a dilapidated chicken coop. Shit and chickens, dead or alive, anywhere. I flattened the land squeezed between shit and dead animals. "You do not come, please do not enter ..." Noise at the entrance, one of them came. Maybe I'll see ... I hear his footsteps, is approaching. I hold my breath, before anything I can hear or see the shot and then everything is black and empty ... They return
black and full of my body, intact, in disgust of the house. I'm alive. I open my eyes, the soldier is still hovering over me, I do not know if amused or annoyed. The gun was not charged, has been an explosion projectile. I'm alive, but now ...?

This is the third dream like I do when I returned from Italy six days ago. I wake up with anxiety in chest, sweating and shortness of breath. It was just a dream, I tell myself. I go back to sleep. I wake up. Yes, a dream, but for many, many people that I looked at him, I spoke with, with whom I exchanged sincere friendship and promises to meet again, this is not a dream.

A month between Palestine and Israel and the military occupation of this crazy-totalitarianism of weapons, violence and arbitrariness-printed in my mind images that are struggling to disappear. From what I saw, what I felt, what I was told and shown, for how I was treated myself.
What is printed in the mind, heart, body, the fate of those who, like Majd, like Salah, as Mustafa, was born in a refugee camp, a descendant of 3 or 4 generations of children born in refugee camps, where the concepts human rights, legality, respect for human life, have no sense?

I would say something final, provisionally concluding at the end of this trip. I would like to have lighting that would allow me to say in 10 lines are simple and clear all the things I've seen, known, open, inclusive.
will not be easy. I suspect it will not be a strong things to say now I think that without being immediately accused of things like "anti-Semitism ...

Ah ... first an update on Bil'in, for those who had taken to heart the story of the demonstration against the wall.
On August 29, the day after my visit, two days after the visit of Jimmy Carter, who has described the situation as a Palestinian "apartheid" at 3:30 at night the army Israel has made one of his raid. We have gone up because the country is full of internationals ready to record. In fact there is a video on YouTube:
They arrested two people. Probably two boys who threw stones. In fact (and this is seen by more and more videos on you tube of 28/08) Soldiers pictures to people during the demonstrations, then go get. I've also seen him do in Jerusalem to the festive and peaceful demonstration against the evictions of Palestinian families. And now I understand why you are all so pissed off when the soldier pulled out his camera and photographed a woman who danced before him, with air so provocative, but certainly harmless!
For those who have a strong stomach is also available on youtube the video of the killing of Bassem, last April, I mentioned in my note on Bil'in. E 'rather shocking ... but it's true. So I suggest you watch it:

Ok, enough of Bil'in: back to my speech.

Thinking back to Palestine from here ...



Monday, August 31, 2009

Big Swollen Nipples Of Dog

30/08 - Pasolini in At-Tuwani

A Tuwani get there by changing 5-minibus taxi. `It is a village in the far south of the Palestinian territories: 300 people, many children, the only form of subsistence farming. Coming
I think if Pasolini, during his visit to Palestine had come to these places and forgotten desert was filmed here with the Gospel. `C is indeed a certain resemblance to Matera, where the gospel is was then shot. The houses are a mix of stone buildings, holes in rocks, wooden fences, and recently the addition of concrete structures made by men in the house and children of all ages.
`There is running water: there is` an open well on the aquifer. Regoplarmente is also a `tank` s ACF (Action Against Hunger, the European Communities) which fills the tanks of individual homes, assicurtando a little bit of water for a few days. `There is mains powered. The energy is produced in a country with a Genarito Banzin, and distributed to all the houses for four hours a day, at night. So goes the washing machine and the only large fridge in the small shop is unique in the country is sent at full speed for a few hours of cool in which all bring any leftover food.
On the hill next to where there are the 20 houses of Tuwani, about 200 meters, c `and` a good colony, fairly new, orderly and rileccata as a village of low mountains. Next to the colony there is `a nice grove, a rioseto, an orchard, all created artificially by pumping the water to force the pace out of the aquifer, with the results as is now virtually dried up. If it does not rain within one month if the people of Tuwani plaice `evil. D `Furthermore, according to the Oslo Accords (1993) the Palestinians are not possible to dig more in depth of 27 meters, even in" their "territory. Here we are in "their" territory, which should become fledged Palestinian state. `But, this land, like most, is regarded as" Area C ", that is under complete military control, civil construction and urban and especially Israel. It is this state that now even the Israeli right is prepared to grant under the pressures of Obama in a state controlled all aspects of life of its citizens from another state. Then someone remembers Arafat as "the man she did not want peace," when he refused to `all` the last of the agreements fiurmare cones Barak ...
But back to us ... no water, in other words. We make the cost me and my guests when I can not pull the water after you poop. The water tank is over this morning and no one knows when he comes back she is the tanker. With a bit of luck tonight or tomorrow.
As for electricity, Tony Blair, Special Envoy Quartet in Palestine, has been here a few months ago and said that Tuwani has the right to prosper and develop, or at least beyond the threshold of poverty. That was an invitation to the Israeli government not to prevent the construction of infrastructure.
few days after the `Palestinian authorities began to plant the mast to connect the country to the network sor" national ". On the fifth or sixth pylon planted bildozzer Israelis have arrived with a demolition order. C `and` little to do, they decide, and nothing binds them to provide explanations. So it's all stopped.
vision from top of the hill is instructive: Imagine: you see the country with crowds of children running around muccicosi and dusty debris of houses and sheep; more in the `colony decorated with bows and wood. Below, down the street of the battered Palestinian masts broken. The road crosses the high road "by-pass road linking the settlements with each other and to the territory of the State of Israel. The bypass road is closed to the movement of cars not registered in Israel ... that is, the Palestinians! The bypass road fragments that form a dense network throughout the state `1ipotetico isolating Palestinian areas and making it impossible for the free movement of persons. This road is well equipped with lamps connected to the network eletrtica Israel, and on every lamp post are two Israeli flags. This is the nascent Palestinian state, gentlemen!
But let me go ahead, is not that I wanted to come here.
The flourishing colony, like all settlements, is considered illegal by the community internaizonale (internaizonale under the law) but they are recognized, supported, encouraged and defended by the State of Israel. Next to the colony, in the grove, is born a few years an outpost. L `" `outpost is an extension of the colony so as to be illegal to be illegal even by Israel. There is an order of demolition of settler costruizioni that is never taken into consideration by anyone. L` outpost is almost bordering on more houses outside the village of Tuwani. And among the colony outpost `el pass a dirt road that connects to another village still Tuwani more small, Tuba. A
Tuwani c `and` the school (also on this hangs a demolition order because 'Israel has never granted permission for the construction of a school `s they have built the same and is still standing, not the same for the mosque, but that is demolished, again illegally, rebuilt ... but at this rate brackets by opening up everything that deserves to be told is never not come to the core of my speech!)
In short, the 15-20 Tuba children go to school in Tuwani, ok?
settlers and the inhabitants of this outpost in 2002 began to insult, to attack and crush those children between 6 and 10 years, okay? The inhabitants
dfi Tuwani and Tuba have chosen to actively non-violent strategy: no stones, no intifada: law, law, observers internaizonali. Also because it seems `these settlers are the worst kind: the religious nationalists, much more formidable iuncattiviti while the ultra-Orthodox, who raves about 24 hours on 24 contemporary revival of the Torah but do not recognize the State of Israel.
Even after these attacks to Tuwani there are two observers associaizoni internaizonali: one Italian, Operation Dove, and one American, Christian Peacemaker Team. This ten people go around all day to escort children and shepherds armed with cameras, and as soon as you intreavedono settlers began to record everything. On you tube there is a bit of video. In 2004
But is that the settlers' attack happened this group of people and seriously enough ferissero an American who was filming. Then came the scandal is the Knesset (parliament israleiano) who decided that these settlers exuberant actually be kept in check a little bit. So five years from the children of Tuba are escorted daily by two Israeli soldiers on a geep from home to school. The Israeli soldiers defending the Palestinian children by Israeli settlers. Meanwhile the `outpost is always there, and none of Israel and has been under investigation for rape, beatings, threats and intimidation. Then in the afternoon, it happens that the children see the same soldiers who escorted them gelntilmente the morning break at home and beat and threatening his father and brother, warning him not to bring the sheep to graze in an area visible from the colony, because `this is a provocation that is" nervous "the settlers. Even if the land is the property of the shepherd? Even if the land is the property of the shepherd.
What can I say?
rocky hilltop there is `an old tree and I and David Conrad of Operation Dove we sit down to meditate. We observe a landscape merravigliosoe mmiracoloso here. The wind sweeps the dust and passes between the leaves and skin. How
their daily practice, we share a reading and reflection on a passage from the Gospel.

Flushing With Cushing Syndrome

Bil `in-the famous" disproportionate use of force "

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Munchos Where You Can Buy Them Pa

8.27 Bil` in - danse macabre intifada

Yesterday in Bil `in` s were Jimmy Carter, Fernando Cardoso and the other former presidents of the group "The Elder". Carter said that the Palestinian situation is a new apartheid.
Arrive in Bil `in about 12, shortly before the start of the weekly demonstration against the construction of the wall of apartheid '. Today there is `here all the leaders of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, except the leader Sa` dat, captured by Israel a few years ago and all `now in jail. It is the most secular party founded by George Habash, a Christian and communist, focusing on the right of return of all Palestinian refugees, from `48 onwards.
Bil `in is a small remote village to the "boundary" between two "states". The construction of the wall here at the time represented by a temporary network, has strangled and separated from his land illegally annexed automatically as de facto Israeli territory.
here for 4 years, every Friday ', the villagers out in a peaceful protest march that culminates in front of the net. The soldiers expect from `the other hand. It is a regular event. Even the script seems to be the same as I say. After ten minutes of slogans and symbolic acts, the military attacked with tear gas, water, acid, rubber bullets and sometimes we go down there heavy.
I had been warned of "heavy", yes, but I did not think SO MUCH ... I am here to express
with these people and express my solidarity, as well as pre see with my own eyes that which is said. There are several "international", as well as me. I want to see well, the curiosity than caution and I am in the middle, rather than forward, in front of the net, men, women, elderly, children, armed with a camera, and more or less ready for anything. There are two guys in a wheelchair. In everything we are fifty.
The first attack coming to the network of Israeli flags and the PFLP. This is enough to start the first volley of tear gas: a score together, coming from two different locations and explode in front of and behind us. We all run out, but there is `behind a wall of gas. Then down in the moat at the side of the road, the only way forward. But the wind is blowing in the right direction, and is a hell. The lungs are collapsing and I do not see the end of smoking. Burn to death and I feel that my lungs are about to stop working. Fighting panic. I see people in my own terms. I do not see almost nothing in reality. I leave the room to look, lit. It is a stampede. For a moment I wonder what will be 'the two in wheelchairs, and elderly, but the pain and the fear of not making it too strong, and I think to myself. I have to stand up, do not lose consciousness.
Then miraculously the gas starts to thin. He received his sight gradually, and especially the breath. People everywhere not to be groping for go to the ground. Clinging to a branch on a stick. L `all` one another. Others are on the ground writhing, other property, huddled. `Here comes the ambulance. Some people come to the aid. A girl has a respiratory arrest and panic attacks. The charge, the attack on the ventilator.
It has been around very quickly. Everything seems
already finished, we were routed, put to flight like rats in 2 minutes. Instead, the group is back together in minutes, spontaneously. Also I'm going back to approach cautiously. It is precisely the pain, the adrenalin, the disproportion, that encourage us to regroup beyond `the fear of another attack. Not long in coming.
Some boys begin to throw stones at the of `the network. Here are the whistles of lascrimogeni. Same scene as before, maybe worse. I run like crazy this time and I can stand out from the expansion of the cloud. I turn around and resume. People coming out of the smoke exhausted from trying to keep breathing. Emerges a woman in her fifties, gasps, is just out of gas collapses to the ground before my feet. I remain amazed and petrified. Like an idiot I continue to regain his body. Arriva people `s ambulance, and the load attached to the respirator. L `squirts via ambulance.
Fifteen young people between 15 and 20 throw stones with a slingshot. Get along well with the slingshot, make the big throws. `Not very effective though. `The only" success "is represented by a stone hitting one of the trucks with which the military fired tear gas. The people all exulting, success is purely symbolic, but it is obvious that this is the speed at which these people can aspire.
In every stone there are several tear gas.
goes on for an hour. Then the bulk of the group retired to a hill behind. Remain the boys throwing stones. Now the soldiers do not make more scruples (if it is ever made) and fire the shots at ground level, height of the man, directly against these guys. It is in this way three months ago and has been killed Bassam, the leader and creator of this four-year protest struck in the chest by a tear.
Let the battle from afar. The boys pulled dozens of stone, and at the same time tear-jump to dodge bullets. And it is a strange dance.
It is not over. Someone yells "Ambulance." The kids go back to holding another guy with open arms, which shows no signs of life. I do not understand whether it is or has been struck unconscious by a respiratory arrest. L `ambulance and squirts loads it on.
I pushed back a little bit forward. Another guy grabs me by the arm and starts dragging me to run back. I do not understand, I look back: the water cannon is firing the `acidic water. Coming droplets, spray drift, even so far '. The feel good in the eyes in the lungs and skin.
Once out of danger, he leaves me his arm. I look in his eyes. He says: "This is Israel. This is the occupation. Welcome in Palestine"

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dog Steroids Side Effects Myositis

under the Wailing Wall ... all together ... happily ... some with machine guns in the neck ... in a circle as the Boy Scouts ... singing like kids on a trip ... the nation is united ... the nation is strong ... the nation of 7 million inhabitants has the 4th most powerful army in the world ... the nation has not signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ... the nation is paranoid because he knows to be wrong (and wrong) ... but the nation is not afraid because it is strong and knows what it means to "impunity guaranteed" ...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Serina Hooters Calander

walls the holy land of tears

house demolished in retaliation against the family of a fighter: 4 families in the street

the rules of the game?
"you have half an hour to leave the house."
then the bulldozers into action

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Free Tag Heuer Blueprints

Dear friends,
I started writing these notes with a certain ironic, perhaps because of my courage to keep morale high, aware that to which I was getting into.
After 7 days in the West Bank or in the West Bank, as they say in the international language, I can not play more.
I was in the city of Bethlehem, Hebron, Nablus, and in the Aida refugee camp, Nablus, Deishe, Balata. In the last two I slept, in the "homes" of Palestinian families. I met dozens of people have welcomed me as a friend or relative, we talked a long time. They showed me everything. Everything is written on the walls, streets, bodies, in the poster, the faces in the photos. Incredulous and chilled rappresentatnti I wanted to meet the Un, the Red Cross, and various international peacekeeping forces, NGOs Palestinian, Israeli and international. Unfortunately I only had confirmation from them, which is that which I was shown and told by boys and men in tears was not an `invention. Unfortunately it's all true, everything is published by official bodies.

I have seen these families, these young men and women, old people, children, crushed like rats or cockroaches, destroyed forever in their entirety `human massacred physically, morally, and psychically.
I've seen the refugee camps, 1 square mile of land inhabited by 25,000 people: understand the significance of this relationship? 10, 12 people in "houses" of 9 square feet, 1 bath in the open air for 600 persons, a general practitioner per 6000 people. There are drugs: all diseases are "cured" with antibiotics and painkillers.
The refugees were deported from their villages by Israeli army in `48 and thrown into the West Bank. Israeli historians say that these 700,000 people if they are "go it alone". `Even so, what is certain is that the war over Israel prevented this gesture escaped from their homes to escape the war to return to their homes. All the displaced families have a large key hanging on the wall of iron is the key to the house in which 48 were taken following the end of the war thinking that they would return home. The Un Resolution 194, 1949, at the end of war, requires Israel to permit the return of all refugees under international law. None of them more able to return, or review just for once their home. Already in 50 Jewish immigrants lived in those houses. 194 is a magic number for all Palestinians. It is the number of disaster.
In 60 years there have been five successive generations inside the camps, the population is qudruplicata. But the refugees have a special legal status. They live in what Israel considers its territory, subject to Israeli jurisdiction, but are not entitled to vote have no right to leave their camp at the cost of losing even the few rights they have as refugees, in any event can not go out West Bank.
These squares of land are mazes with "roads" 50 or 70 cm wide, bare concrete houses 3 or 4 floors high. not have the right to costrutia off the pitch: to make room for new families must go to the `high. children play in open spaces of 2 feet by 3.
The population is so dense that wherever he lives, goes, comes out, someone gets stuck: in Gaza c `and` high density is the most human of the planet. if you have a gun in his hand close your eyes and shoot somewhere necessarily kill someone. I was told of bullets that killed three people ... a single bullet. `When the army operations is" surgical "to try this or that militant meaning is this:
a team of 10-14 soldiers in the field erupts at night. an Arab soldier imposes a curfew, saying something like "close yourselves at home, everything that moves on the street will be 'hit." C `and` a commander adult, and a dozen teens armed with anything. The hours before going on a mission to make him a virtual training, a 3D game in which they shoot at everything that moves ahead. Qando are they know they have to run in this maze, there is `no light, infrared goggles have not seen a cock, they are afraid to die, know that only terrorists and cockroaches live there` s men are already used to shoot at Palestinians virtual ...
shoot everything that moves. the morning after the raid on the street `collect carcasses of dogs, cats and donkeys. Sometimes humans. Old leaving to go to the bathroom, a woman who runs to resume the child and ran away from home `,` the nurse who leans out the door to rescue a wounded man.
come to the house where they think the person you are looking for. do not knock 'not to spoil the surprise: they blow up the door with a bomb. every time someone in the house semplicemtene is killed in this operation. I have already said they are houses of 9 square meters.
enter. if there is `the master's better. unless there is `the master of the teens do what they want.
the director of the cultural center of the Balata camp that I met is gone like this: the soldiers entered his house as I have described, they suspected that he might be affiliated with any fighting organization. Before the whole family have insulted and beaten. They beat the mother and the children more great. The more young children looked on. Interrogated him for hours, beating him savagely. Then he took him to jail. In
months have arrested five of his children more great. The smallest quanche month later is going to blow himself up in Tel Aviv.
All of these children, boys, saw his father beat him into the house without reason, to extort a confession or a name. Everyone has lost a cousin or a brother. Now there are more prisoners: when looking for a fighter in a field and find him, kill him, even in cold blood. `There is more place in prisons. However, the `impunity is guaranteed to all soldiers. No one is ever convicted of war crimes, despite all the international declarations and the International Criminal Court. Sharon himself had been condemned by the International Criminal Court as co-responsible the massacre in the camps of Sabra and Chatila (3000 people killed in cold blood in one night) and is becoming premier, and built the wall of apartheid ', which in turn is condemned by the International Criminal Court. But Israel lives in a dream. The settlers locked in their bunkers, the socialist-Zionist fanatics locked in their kibbutz, young hedonists of Tel Aviv ... Nobody knows what happens from here.
past in various Israeli cities try to talk to Jewish people:
"West Bank? What do you mean?"
"I palkestinesi? Be` just a few hundred thousand people could go and live in Jordan and inpace leave our land "
" I've never heard of Palestinians, settlements, west bank, chip `I started to make the university` "
" In Israel there is `no problem, we all live in peace, Jews and Arabs. `But the Palestinians are terrorists and should be expelled from Israel. This is our land. "
" Refugees "I feel sorry for them but can not return. It is the price of the war of` 48. "
"Two states? It is impossible. Netanyahu says Obama to hold good but instead we are continuing to build settlements. There must be a single Jewish state."

The Israelis were not in Hebron. It is a city of more distant from the Palestinian territory of the State of Israel, wedged between the Dead Sea and the Negev desert in the south
It is a city inhabited by Arabs, about 15,000, but after the war of `67 and` was occupied by a few hundred ultra-Orthodox settlers, soon followed by Israeli army has completely militarized city, expropriating homes of Arabs to make military bases and Jewish homes.
situaizone now is this: 15,000 Arabs (Muslims and Christians), 700 Jews, 2000, 600 Israeli soldiers who defend the Jews. The point here is that there is `the tomb of Abraham, revered by all three monotheistic religions.
The town has been cut in two by a wall, and dozens of checkpoints. The Jews have their quarter-fort inaccessible to anyone, in the heart of the city. Dedcine dozens of roofs and are manned by soldiers who tend the gun pointed at anyone who moves to road, 24 hours 24. I want you to see the pictures, but I can not upload them. It's like being in a film about Nazism in reverse: 4-year olds running down the street and 30 meters more soldiers who follow them up with the sight of machine guns. It is all in my photo card. If `I'll be able to get her in Italy ... In Hebron
these 600 Jews have taken up residence on the upper floors of buildings facing the Arab market (of course with separate entrances and militarized). From the windows they throw bricks, concrete blocks, chairs, iron bars, bags full of acid on the people who go to the market. The inhabitants have long drawn wire mesh to 3 feet above the ground for these objects impediure affecting hundreds of people every morning crowding the market. These networks are the memory of hatred and crime. We step in and look at everything that is still entangled.
"Unfortunately, the network is useless against the metal bars, bags of acid and cement blocks that break through."
It can not be true. I'm watching these people in the face. It can not be true.

`I'm going to try the UN route. I want to tell me that it is not true, that those Arabs are liars make this all staged.
L `UN is represented here by a dedicated international team called TIPH. `It` s been formatada ten years after the prayers of the population to have an international presence. The TIPH has power only to document, can not intervene in any case. They are armed only with a camera. There are a few dozen people running around the city 24 hours to 24.
I met two: an elderly Danish and a young Swiss. Flood you with questions.
It is all true. I talk about their work. Their double frustration: Why do not intervene first. Members Italians in particular, often have to give up, Why are chosen from the body of the Italian police, and when they witness a crime and should not be taken to head downward. They do not know what the hell to do with that camera, and some end up after a few months to alcoholics in a bar that serves alcohol to Christians.
Second frustration: their relationships to have value "confidential", that is void, and may not be published. Pero `c` and `a few videos on You Tube, they tell me, passed on the sly. Go find Hebron on you tube ...

In the camps at best there are teams of Western psychologists who work on the trauma of children who see their parents murdered in cold blood in front of them. When not go wrong there is `no one cares about them. Of these tens of thousands of children, some crazy, sinking into depression and despair. A few hundred of these fighters will become. A few dozen of these will become suicide bombers. The massacre took place from 200 to 2007 and the war in Gaza this year with its 1400 dead in 20 days, Israel is guaranteed a third Intifada between about ten years', when these children will have 15 or 16 years. And authorities there will be no Palestinian or Israeli forces, or fornza intertnazioanel that will be able to `stop a guy who is mad with despair and just wants to kill himself once and for all and to express their trauma unsurpassed, especially revenge, pure, useless , destructive revenge. Allah focuses very little with this. Paradise is an afterthought to these people who blows himself up. These are all `hell already and do not expect to ever be able to get out. Ne `I` in this life to another.
"C` and `point of no return in people's lives.` Beyond that point everything can happen. The Israelis constantly push new generaizoni of Palestinians beyond `that point." I said the director of another cultural center in a field. "We are like mice. Our largest problem is not how to liberate Palestine. But not as mad. How to stay human in the face of all this. "

This is a genocide going on slowly and inesorabilmetne for 60 years, with a logic and a calculated strategy to the table. The objective is already achieved with the construction Sharon Wall. With the wall Israel has de facto annexed everything you ever wanted in this land: natuirali resources, courses of water, fertile land, holy places, illegal settlements, strategic points. All this in what the community International is considered the territory of the phantom Palestinian state. The wall Sharon is built entirely within the p [alestinese isolating a city from `other through bags and recess until almost across the Jordan` s land area. That which remains for the Palestinian state is a sieve of misery and despair, which punctuates the fantastic artificial world of the 400 settlements scattered everywhere. Now it `
, from this illegal status quo, even the Israeli right is willing to deal for the" solution was one step. "

Friends, now in Jerusalem, today, `I am going to visit the four Palestinian families evacuated from their homes a few days ago to settle in the Arab area of \u200b\u200bJerusalem new fdamiglie Jewish law with miserable subterfuge. `` I am going to
Friday Bilin, near Ramallah. This village has been surrounded for 3 / 4 from the wall, and the people is isolated from its lands to the property, closed by the `other side of the wall and now available to settlers. Here every Friday since 2002, the entire population went to the front wall to protest peacefully with kites, slogans, sit in, `against apartheid. It is the most important association Palestinian peace. Every Friday from 2002 `s army from the control tower, after 10 minutes of demonstration, firing tear gas and rubber bullets into the crowd ...

I thought I would have found the spirituality in the Holy Land. But here, from Jerusalem and it's all so saturated with a `` `avvelentata humanity, evil, mad, in pain or in spofondata, hatred, or idiocy in`, `that there is room for the spirit.

I want to find an empty seat to ask God for all that lost, since no one is able to forgive or apologize, or acknowledge mistakes. And the first error, the original sin of this whole story is certainly European colonialism, the destruction of the Arab world after the First World War, the will to solve the problem once and for all Jews, and their guilt unmanageable outside the home.

The only hint of spirituality that I found early hour on this earth, is the smile, the mother and `hospitality fellowship, to the dignity, the moral force of these people destroyed by the pain that I have hosted a son, a brother, a friend. And speaking, stammering, broken by emergence of the `dispersion, their history, I apologize because they did not want` anxious, I was a host, wanted to have a nice evening, trying to joke, to lighten ...
"Excuse me, but I can not speak of` other, when I start I can make me, this is my life, I'm 23, I was born and raised here, are anto with nothing and I lost everything, friends and relatives , but they will not ever get out of here. I do in theater, I read poetry, Darwish you know?, I can not lose their culture, art, because `if not become a beast, an animal made only of hatred, as they want me to become. "
` Will I always be a sweet and painful memories of you Majd, your face dark and fair, your boy's voice, your way to make fun of Ramadan smoking two cigarettes at a time, your fingers thin and sensitive, your "home" where your mother gave me the coffee, the dozens of stories you told me, of all the scars, my friend, Sadiq.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lace Nightgowns For Women

14-16/08 Ramallah dreams

Ramallah is 15 km north of Jerusalem. Ramallah is the seat of `PNA and Fatah, the party of the late Arafat. Ramallah, as our media obsessively repeated every time I mention the name, is the "headquarters of Arafat (before) Abu Mazen (now) ". \u200b\u200b
But above all, Ramallah is a town full of life, and international guests of Palestinian students in the university is most qualified of Palestine, a city east and modern at the same time, with the souks that reaches everywhere and regular reminders of the muezzin to prayer, with veiled women alongside girls unglued, with night entertainment venues and night clubs, pubs, discos, cinemas, cultural centers that promote Palestinian culture, Arab and Western Europe.
Ramallah is full of windows and recreational opportunities that fill the Old Town, the new quarters, the old Ottoman city, crumbling and charming with its pale yellow stones that reflect the magical night and the moon.
Ramallah is a city administered by a female mayor, crstiana and Catholic, regularly elected by the Palestinian population that lives there.
Ramallah is the city where I buried the two pillars of modern Palestine: Arafat, in a large mausoleum considered a shrine to the north-east of the city, and the great poet Darwish, who died exactly a year ago, around whose tomb have built a park frequented by families and children, south-west.
Ramallah is the city where I arrived safe and full of fear of being kidnapped or killed, because of the things that are told in Italy and even more in Israel, and given the atmosphere at last, finally, when Palestinian arrivals ( the first Palestinian flags, police and soldiers only Arabs, not written in Western characters, no tourists, no jew ...); and it is the city where already the first night, I went out with all the money on him, chatting with all the kids running around the souks, talking, joking , taking photos, feeling suicuro like an old neighborhood of an Italian citizen.
Ramallah is the city that dreams of being the Paris of Palestine: I repeat it three different people: a butcher, a student, a child. Nobody `s fluent English, but the word I've heard dozens of times a day as I passed at any road or crowded semidesolata is" Welcome! ".

In Ramallah, two boys about 25 years know that I am invited to their house to take the coffee and know: Ammar and Hammam, hospitable, curious and well-educated, working at the Ministry of Social Affairs. They are practicing Muslims and have a mentality that mixes traditional Islamic and Western liberalism: both, for example, people expect their mother to the woman for them to be able to decide their own once conosciutala. Neither of them wants to take on this task alone.

[more ...]

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Funny Birthday January

12/08 - Ibillin, wedding Arabic

What happens when a traditional Arabic wedding there are a thousand Arabs and an Italian? that `s Italian becomes the super guest of honor, he is treated like a prince, filled with food, beverages, cigarettes and everything that can be desired, he was invited / forced virile dancing fairs and dances with the groom's father, is lifted into the air together with her spouse (only one of all to have this privilege).
`Well, gentlemen, the wedding party of Halil, a nephew of my friend / host / guide Mohammed, and has been an extraordinary experience.
But this I can tell you so `. It would take the city, the grassy area on the outskirts, those laid tables, the music and those musicians, those hundreds of young people (males) who danced into the ranks of the traditional choreography for more than three hours, the crowd of women with and without a veil, that food, the twenty-short coffee that I continued to put in his hand, those smells, those faces, those handshakes, these calls for new experiences, those solemn declarations of friendship and sincere, archaic, generous ...
Friends, forgive me, but `on the spot so that I can not tell you!

Silverado 427 Ss Pacos

10-13/08 - educational trips

Ibillin By car from Jerusalem, with my host, Mohammed and Omar at the helm, also a lawyer, a Communist, trained in USSR, old-style intellectual, known for his articles in the newspaper Israeli Communist

Retained pieces of speech and their responses to my questions.

`` This is Nazareth, where Christ is born. It is an Arab city, even today. See the next hill, with those new buildings? That Hill was formed from lands the property of the Arabs of Nazareth. All have been confiscated from the Jews to build a new Jewish city, alongside the Arab

`` `` They will not because no two states will not allow Isreaele ``. Look at Lieberman, the minister of foreign affairs, the religious right: he said yesterday that the Arabs should leave, in one way or other things, by Israel, that this is the land of the Jews. And those like him for `Israel` means all of Palestine.
With such legal instruments can do that? For them, the `single contract worth on this earth is the Bible, which assigns Palestine to the Jews.
`` [confirm these reports, read in Haaretz.]

`` What are the problems of the issue of two states? Jerusalem, the Jews just want for them and do not accept that it is also the capital of Palestine, the return of the 4.5 million refugees driven out by Israel in the various wars since `48; the dismantling of settlements in the West Bank and Gaza.
Colonies are only 432 in the West Bank, with 800,000 inhabitants.

`` `` For us, the two-state solution is a compromise, a stretch. Divide the Arabs forcibly. We are Israelis, the country will never change, even to go in the future state of Palestine. We were born in this city. Here we want to stay and change things politically. Israel is a democracy. The Arabs have 20%. We can do much, even if c `and` a lot of internal discrimination. And I'll tell you a lawyer. The laws are there and they are right. But are often not enforced properly ... you close one eye. We tradiuzione
of secular, Marxist-ideal solution for us but it is unrealistic-it would be a single Palestinian state, without religious principles in the constitution it `religious symbols in the flag. Where Jews and Arabs live together, respecting all religious communities, with mixed democratic governments, the laity. Instead
SO we have: a state-based religion (Jewish) and multi-ethnic-Israel, and a state based on ethnic origin (Arabic) and multi-religious - Palestine. A mess, right?

`` `` Abu Mazen? A son of a bitch. He killed Arafat to take his place. Together with Sharon, the CIA and the Mossad. They wanted to take out Arafat. they have poisoned. Only now are opening an investigation `,` because someone has pulled out of Arafat `s last Fiara proiprio where he wrote this: that he had been warned that Abu Mazen and so on. wanted to kill him. After a few days and is left in a coma and then, no one ever knew how, is dead!

`` `` Arab governments are all corrupt. The Jordanians and the Egyptians say that we Arabs remained in Israel are traitors to the Palestinian cause. Instead we are left to defend our culture in our land. Sometimes it is a struggle cuotidiana, made with the culture, the commitment, but it is the only way to assert our rights, our culture. Never change the democracy of Israel, which is my country, where I was born, with the dictatorship of an Arab government. An Arab leader that I like? None! Indeed: Nasser. But it is dead.

`` `` Arabs are hospitable. You can go around in all the Arab villages and cities of Israel and Palestine, and we will try to help but do not speak your language, you will have the coffee, water, food. They ask you where you come from, will accompany you if you need. The Arabs are curious, they are open. `Not so the Jews. I have many Jewish friends, work with them, there is `no problem. But I'm cold, are wary. They always fear. Watch as the kibbutzim are structured ... like a ghetto! We want shut up alone, and the rest of the world outside! The neighbor, a colleague `s friend, if is not of their religion.

`` `` This city is Jericho. Now look: This is one of the three access roads to the city. Watch: Israeli troops made a pietrre-foot barrier to prevent the passage of cars from the road. Yes, there are the other two being from `the other hand, towards the border of Jordan. `Apart from the inconvenience for those who must move for work, which takes 40 minutes more, is not it an open invitation to go from here?

`` `` c` and `When was the` intifada, or the war in Gaza, or there are reprisals, all these ... for us Israeli Arabs, it is difficult, it is an inner conflict: on one hand solidariazziamo with the Palestinians who are like us; d `other hand, this is our country, even though we are opposed to government policy. Then maybe we make peaceful protests, demonstrations, strikes, but also with many Israeli Jews, pacifists, are many, solidariazziamo together with the Palestinians.

`` As we speak they speed along the Jordan Valley to Jerusalem: the spectacle of the great desert and the mountains of Jordan is underpinned by the continued appearance of two very different forms of housing: in the valley, the Bedouin camps, dozens and dozens, made of tents, sheets, cabins, groups of camels, women and men to lie close to the ground do not know what that quarried from this land without a fully sabbiosam Filko d `grass on the mountain, the 'colonies', which are small clusters of houses and cobbled together as strictly fenced high-security prisons to real city-fortresses, with impressive skyscrapers that rise from nowhere sembranmo of this mystical desert them, even abitaten by tens of thousands of people are surrounded by high concrete walls, such as medieval castles. In general, the colonies appear to be made entirely of dark gray concrete, very bad, throw them `as if they wanted them in one night, to make the world a fait accompli to the rising of the sun. It is more or less like this: the policy of fait It's always been done and the main strategy of the governments of Israel, except perhaps those of Rabin and Barak.
improbable rise to colonies around woods, totally unrealistic in this desert, and there with that one a glance to find that I am the tragic issue of West Bank water: hundreds of colonies-packed weapons available to the settlers to become private justice (that being ultra-Orthodox have, among others, the privilege of guaranteed impunity ') upstream of the already scarce water sources and settle in their territory, leaving Palestinian Bedouin camps and cities in the valley in a drought totgale `. Furthermore, with the cancellation of the tributaries, the Jordan is reduced to a trickle, and disappearing ... Never mind, baptize Christ 'in the mud, then the long run, only with sand.

From Haifa to Ibillin, and in taxi with Yusef, jew, 55

Loved by his monologue.

`` I am jew, you see, I have no problems with the Arabs. They can come to Israel if they want, everyone can come to Israel. Okay, I also have the AICI Arabs. The problem is the Palestinians. You know, for us, Jerusalem is the center of the world. Do you understand? The center of the world. It is our religion. We can not give up Jerusalem. It is our capital. We can not divide it. The Palestinians do not want to understand. Want to know
what I think? You want to know? I think Israel has to take Jerusalem. With the force with peace, do not know, but must take it. The Arabs will never succeed.

`` `` When I say `kill 'I mean the Palestinian Arabs. Israeli Arabs do not! No, not with them there is `no problem.

`` `` With the Arabs can not make peace. We are at war with the Arabs 3000 years. Yes, it is true, with some Arab countries, the `we did it. L `Egypt. Jordan. But with others it is impossible that Syria, for example: They want the Golan! But why, I do not understand! It was their up to the war in `67. But it was a desert. They are not gonna do anything. Instead, the Jews did the trees grow, they did a beautiful garden, there are tourists. And they want it back! You know Hong Kong? We could do like this: buy it for 100 years. Then it shows. Beiu take so much money, the Syrians, you know? We could give you lots of good money. But this is my idea, el Nonda government. `But I also think that the government thought of that: why they are more intelligent than me. `But I'm also intelligent. Clever.

`` `` L `Iran. Why he wants to destroy Israel? I do not understand. You have your country, and we have ours. Live and let live. What do you want from us. You know what I say. They want the atom. Yes, we too abbiamno several. But for us to start the missiles it takes many hands that push the button same time. Li `it only takes one. Just Achmadinejad pushes the button and the missile part.

`` `` Do you know what I say? If Iran `s missile kills lanciua the 100,000 Jews. For we are many, because we are a small people. Then we launch so many missiles that kill millions of Iranians. Do you understand? Millions!

`` `` Why are all against us? Tell me why `l` Europe is always against us. You want to know why? I'll tell you. Why do the television to see the children and women dead in the street. But they do not see that the terrorists hide behind their women and children and shoot at our soldiers. So what should our soldiers? Shoot! Kill them all. But are forced, you know? They are the terrorists who make them die. But the world is always against Israel. But we are strong, we are very strong. We can defend themselves.

`` `` Israel is the most beautiful country in the world. I've got shot so many, even to Italy. But Israel is much more beautiful. If people did not think it is dangerous, tourists would be all here. There would be a lot of money. You can not imagine. Ah, yes: I love Israel. I am a patriot.

`` `` `You know what I like about Italy? Waving! And you know what is the word that I like more in Italian: Fuck you! ``

Yusef is produced in a series of matches between various type of wrong 'fuck' and various gestures caught at random in his repertoire. Ride. Very.
I say, you're good, you look just like Italian.

NOTE: Yusef
While talking, I remember an article I read `3 days ago in Haaretz: The mayor of a seaside town has allocated a sum of $ 1,000,000 for those who bring evidence of the` ` Sirenza existence of which is sighted by tourists over the past several days ...
warlike scenarios include identification with biblical and marine views, maybe someone in this country has lost all sense of reality ...

From Ibillin in Haifa, and in taxi Assan, Arabic, 52.

Talk `s bad English. But there understand with a mix of many languages \u200b\u200band gestures. Carry-over in the third person.

Assan has 8 children. Yes, with one wife. They do not have more than one wife. Once. Perhaps even in Africa, Egypt ... do not know. But the Palestinians have only one wife.
Jobs in Haifa, in Ibillin c `and` not working for a taxi. Haifa Jews, Muslims and Christians live in peace. Haifa her friends are all Jews. No problem.
Among the people there are no problems. The problems are political. Liberman [more than] is a great fascist wants to expel all Arabs from Israeloe. Assan Nonja `may want to understand why such a thing. He is born to us. His father, his grandfather. Their homes, their properties. Her six daughters and two sons live them `,` working them, 3 have already a family ... Entering
shows me the houses in Haifa in Arabic style. He tells me that those houses were all Arabs, until `48. Then came many Jews from Poland, Russia, Germany, and their army has chased away the rightful owners. Gradually: Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. Assan For this is the original problem. Why should one chase another out of his house?
He tells me of the war with Lebanon in 2006. Haifa is 50 km from Lebanon. He tells me that the Lebanese missiles for a month hit the city. The story is the same as that made me Morad, my first evening in Israel (see first post). He says he fired the rockets to the Lebanese defeat Israel, but are dead Jews and Christians and Muslims alike, in those missiles. People do not ever want war. According to Assan people want peace and live in peace. They are the politicians who want war. And people always lose out. Of any religion. Do not even bother to look at who's dead in the end.

Assan is a simple man, uneducated, very humble. `He loves Italy because the football is AC Milan. It is emotional and curious, with this absurd mix of languages \u200b\u200band gestures, struggles to make himself understood. At the end of nis apologizes to speak English, he is ashamed. But he likes to talk to people, is justified.
Hassan Yusef is so humble as arrogant, intolerant possibilities with regard Yusef, naive as Yusef is wise, sweet as Yusef is rude.
It costs 40 NIS instead of 150.
IF you happen to be in Haifa and need a taxi, VI COUNCIL ASSAN.

Back to Jerusalem by bus to the old town.
I hear someone who curses and hits my backpack. An old white-haired, stooped, toothless and dry is bothered by cursing `footprint of my bagaglio.Dopo I apologized humbly, the vicissitudes of life lead me to sit in front of him, not to succumb to shake the mad rush of the crowds in bus crazy crowds and traffic of this holy city.
His smile suddenly opens up an absolute dental shortage. It attacks a speech in a language where it differs very few words in English, most in the mixed state of his oral cavity.

Rioporto the few sentences that I grasped the meaning. `` I

Iranian jew ... Came here when he is come Komeimi. Achmadinejad is crazy. You are jew? Are you a Christian? Christian's okay. Jews are good, Christians are good. The Muslim terrorists. Are you married? No? Male. Married.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Shoestring Licorce Nj

9 / 08 - Ibillin, exchange programs

left the kibbutz, time two hours and it seems to be on the `other side of the world within a 'village' in Arabic (12 000 inhabitants), through a dreary suburb, where the figs' india, which run as guardrail along the main road leading to the city, for years intercept and retain their thorns between the `garbage thrown from moving cars: cans, bottles, cans, plastic bags ... and anything that might give the idea of \u200b\u200bdirt. Goal:
truck idle speed `, the Arabs, their wrecked car, they seem more constantly busy playing the horn for no reason than to keep your hands on the steering wheel and foot on the brake. A truck driver makes me a yell from the window, two boys at risk of crashing with the wheels on the concrete sidewalk just to give me a slap groped for his hat. The next time I restart
doll racist, I swear ...
There `s next for luck. Just drop
the highway on the outskirts of hell to enter the village on climate change: children stop playing soccer among trees and dirt and I came up smiling face that they want a picture. I still
versed between low houses, very poor, and across a busy up and down hills, people look at me with curiosity and I cairico: `` Salaam alaykum!
`` To hear the Arabic greeting these Arabs are illuminated, and I Alayukum respond `` as `` `salaam to 32 teeth with a smile. Then I play the `ace `` Italian!
`` `` Oh, Italian! Welcome! Welcome Italy! Fuck you America! Fuck you USA! Fuck you Israel! Free Palestine! Welcome!
`` What do you want the answer, to this great family, women, children, old men ... I finally look happy and comfortable with air?
`` Yes, fuck you America! "Free Palestine!
`` You do not want to start a lecture on the history of Arab-Israeli conflict and enlighten them on the mutual responsibilities? Are the first people who show themselves kind and hospitable to me today, but will have to give him a genuine fuck you America, no?!
From now on everyone I meet gives me to say, I want to help at all costs, I want to accompany by car or scooter to my destination ( cristina a school where I should ask for hospitality for the night), they want to be photographed, photographing myself thinking that I please.
are now in the center of this modern city, rather ugly, all concrete. But I must say that with this range humankind, loud, smiling and shouting, `the appearance of the city disappears and becomes an all stay inside, in an engaging way.
A lot of kids are riding on horses, ponies, donkeys, taken without a saddle. I
dozens of photos, each two meters I stop to talk to someone of any age.
Ok, will not arrive at school is never at this rate, I tell myself. Indeed, if is also why I lost!
Without a man who is equal to Mastroianni. E attack: `` `Peace be with you. `` I am Italian Italian ...!``
Mastroianni starts talking and does not stop for 2 minutes: it is called Mohammed, an attorney, has stuido law in Cagliari, Italy has been living in seven years, the likes of Italy (and speaks perfect Italian) is a non-practicing Muslim, is 48 years old, a wife, five daughters, a lot of brothers and cousins \u200b\u200b...
short, after 5 minutes I am in the studio studio, he is chuiamando wife and friends to organize my hospitality in his house and a worthy evening at `Arab. Dinner? Based Costarelle and pork skewers. Yes, yes, pork.
Mohammed and his friends are all communists, convinced lay people consider Israel and the country would never change, they want to change things politically, from the inside. Some of them write in the newspaper of the Communist Party of Israel, have a cultural association for the exchange between cultures ... I could write a book about Mohammed, his wonderful family and amazing friends! Home

treat me like a prince. Afnan, his wife, is a practicing Muslim, the five daughters, ages 4 to 15 years, they are all together the 'eighth wonder of the world: the beauty, sweetness, the' intelligence and curiosity of the gaze ...
Mohammed tells all of our incredible meeting and meanwhile it makes me more questions after we met Oretta `I know all about him, he knows everything about me, it seems to me that we've known for months.
Street, after the shower is again: I go to eat and Mohammed Orsan. So that this is an incredible character, you have to believe me. Does the caretaker at a sawmill of peripherals: everywhere piles of wood, metal, machinery, covering an area huge.
Among some of these sheets, blankets towels, veils, leaning materials, in an incredible guiazzabuglio, c `is` his `home. It is them is that we put on a barbecue and the pork is already ready.
Orsan also worked in Italy. Indeed lived there 27 years, it is done within the family (and now lives in half between here and `them), and redid the valves of the hotels in Italy half. Part
the pro-Italian revival of their youth: Lyrics Battisti, De Andre ', Dalla, De Gregori, Tot, Troisi, Peppino di Capri, Celentano ... The `` ``... inns
eat, sing, laugh, smoke. Let's talk a little bit of politics. I slowly realize that this is the `perfect match for my trip. All the questions I wanted to put an Arab and Palestinian people within a month to understand their point of view and the real conditions of their lives, I can get them out now.
Let's talk about Israeli politics, Palestinian, Arab, American, Italian.
two of them are highly trained, they know everything about the history of UN resolutions, international law ...
I would tell everything, but we really want a book for all the information I collected. Some things already well known, others quite unexpected and shocking. But
we want to weigh down the evening. We eat, sing, drink beer, smoke, say bullshit. There will be time to talk about serious things. When
Orsan declares its serious intention to pull out of the fridge `s lamb, Mohammed and I run away or risk not getting up from the table more.
And then, the evening seems eseere over. Get in the car, and down, degassed for lanes of the city.
There's a building with a spiazzetto front, and a hundred people sitting on chairs placed along the perimeter.
`` This is the house of my cuigino. His son married a few days. Here, before a wedding party `s all ten previous days.
`` And then go with the party, go with the coffee, go with other food (`` Mohammed, I do not like most, really! ``, `` Yes, but that's not why you should eat, eat ... to eat `` ` `Ah, ok ``)
I submit all. `` He's my cousin, has a long beard, you see, he is religious. His family is from Gaza. I do not understand ... but I respect it, sure
`` `` This is my brother, this is my cousin, this is another brother, this is my nephew, this is his brother, this is what goes, this is my cuigino ...
`` `` And the women? There are?
`` `` But some are of the `other guys.
`` Here is this` cos loud music, with the addition of live drums, I think, schimazzi, and rumors of frantic dance that comes from a room inside the building.
enough, you go home. Tomorrow morning we leave early.
party, Mohammed convinced me to change my plans: he must go to Jerusalem with his friend and fellow lawyer. My intention was to make a detour to reach the holy city, but how can I lose the chance of a car trip of 4 hours when I can ask any question imaginable about Palestine, Israel, coexistence, conflict, reviews , prospects, etc., two educated, informed, committed, available, Arab? I am also here for that, I want to know everything.
At home ... is not over yet. The 6 `women`
home waiting for us awake. Girls are in fibrillation. They want to know everything about me.
We sit in front of the entrance of the house, on the steps overlooking a small garden with fruit trees ...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Rosary Beads Around Ankle Tattoo

9 / 08 - Afek, a prickly pear and a half smile from the kibbutz

I started walking this morning at 8. The wretched wife of Walid I cheated: I sold it for € 1 a bottle of water ... the tap.
I throw away everything that does not hurt me, and I have 15 minutes of sizzling racism which revives the whole repertoire of anti-Arab bias available to a young European: thieves, rogues, swindlers, dirty, liars, murderers and bastards. Ok, me and 'past. Going forward
then I can not find 'shops to refuel. The fact is that at 9 am are already '40 degrees and Afekm intermediate step of my journey today, I get to 13 completely dehydrated.
practically dead already 'mummified.

ASfek and 'a little "thing" with housing in the middle, lost among miles and miles fields massacred by the sun, where even the sunflowers seem to agonize and earth,' so 'burned to become dust.
passed through the gates: it seems to be the only passage in a long perimeter fence and barbed wire.
I still have a range of 25 seconds before death. Human being who urgently wanted to save me ...
A woman, grumpy woman brings, on 50 ... and 'her!
- Excuse me! Shalom! Where can I find water? With grim look
she comes out of his meadow, slowly approaches me, I distrust team spurt. Usndo the necessary number of words tells me where to find the market. Maybe it 's closed, but'-he adds.
swallow a few molecules of saliva, disgustingly dry.
's going back to the grumpy woman brings to mind her own, but then takes his occho divine hand and leads them to look better in the shade of the visor of my hat.
- Come for a drink while you do not become dehydrated.
It 's not that I have lost the look grim, however.
As we go to his casottino-which looks like a brick bungalows, identical to several other remote distributed Regular fenced-in yard I try to strike up a conversation. The curiosity 'and' more 'strong exhaustion.
- That 's a kibbutz, right?
- Yes
- Um ... I'm Italian.
- Ah.
- Um ... I am going to Jerusalem. On foot.
- Ah. You are religious.
- Be '... in a sense! Do not freak, pero ', you know? [No, please do not start a theological discussion right now ...] And 'I like walking. [Here, bravo]
- Mh mh.
It 's not easy, gentlemen. Pero 'during this exchange, without losing the look grim, the lady of the kibbutz offers me a prickly pear peeled from the basin in his hand. I devour it hoping it can be hydrated at least Drinking to get to this famous drink.
arrive at her door and she stubble has just washed the floor.
disappears inside the house. With the skin from the sun that burned alive, I swear, does not forgive, I try desperately to flatten them to qualify for 15 centimeters of shade that casts a small shed.
Glu Glu. Reborn. A bit '.
- So thank you. It 'been very kind.
- Ok. No, wait. You fill a bottle.
Here. I made the effort. Lose even a bit 'of his strong resemblance to Clint Eastwood in its heyday. Do not look grim, however.
disappears back into the kitchen. Meta 'body breathes, half' is going to be ready to be served at the table, smoking. Low drain the pint before his eyes. Meanwhile
his dog wags his tail, yelps, and I lick your ankles.

Twenty blocks low, completely anonymous and unadorned, container type, distributed in an orderly, with a lot of distance between each other, connected by pedestrian vioottoli of rough concrete, in an area the size of a football field or slightly more ', they are able to make blanket of grass grow a sufferer and nearly a dozen trees.
As I said, runs all around the wire. All along the perimeter, inside the fence, there are several low buildings and ugly, we understand that are dedicated to small businesses' industries. Decentralized, the heart of public life: a three-storey building which combines orange market, cafeteria, post office (or rather closet mailbox), small library, four benches in the shade of a canopy. In all 'what' you do not see even a sign or written in any language.
The market then, and 'a room with ten half-empty shelves and four large fridge, two of them with the tailgate not transparent: it takes me a bit,' open and shut, open and close, to find a bottle of water.
short, it seems that nothing here is' thought to be available to someone who does not live here, even from everlasting to everlasting. The "communication" does not make much sense in fact. I wonder 'if' never passed another traveler, from here?

I stop to rest on a bench in the shade. I crouch like a predator waiting for someone to pass that allows me to find out about this famous world of the kibbutz.
Come on, come out! Christian is not 'anyone?!
After half an hour begins to appear in some shape. Every ten minutes a woman goes to market, goes to an old post, a guy goes to the market, a man at the table.
I'll try with all: Shalom! I'm italian ...
Looks grim alternate with non-glances, then at the third attempt to limit myself, "Shalom." Then I get down and stop altogether.
I get up and do a photo: I will have to 'take away something from this kibbutz, if not some first-hand information, at least one picture!
And so while I am shooting emerge two little boys in the shot, a man and a lei, they too chubby, 12 or 13 years.
He looks at me grimly and says something in Hebrew.
shake my head: - Inglese? Anglit? - Beg.
you, grimly, in English: - He wants to know what you've photographed.
Here. I did something wrong did. I have broken the rules. Now the big chimeras. And if the mother is like Clint Eastwood, the pope '...
- I photographed the ... the ... the kibbutz! (You can 'mean?! They call it really so?!? Not beep' irreverent ?!?!?)
- Ah.
Well, do not bat an eyelid. Then I go to the attack, her children and 'more' easy.
- Italian!
- Do you speak Italian?! - She says, in Italian. I won, I can feel it.
- I'm Italian!
She explains that some sort of Italian relative. You can not 'know more'.
- Where do you go?
- In Jerusalem. On foot - let's see if the lie down with this ...
- Ah.
I understand. Here there is a cave spider hole, I got bored.
Instead I want to get at least one spider, one thing you must tell me, dear girl plump:
- How many people live here?
- 300. Not families. People.
- Okay, hello, shalom.
Yes, you can go small. Considering this scorching heat of the earth and dialogue, your half-smile I'll just done in extremis' to get to your destination today.

Leaving the kibbutz I try to understand what I could compare this piece of land populated by humans in the middle of nowhere, perhaps a cross between a city 'Klondike twenty years later, when the Soviets never heard the news and the Soviet Union' collapsed, a tourist village abandoned tourists 'cause one day and' gone to sea.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

How Big Were Your Boobs When You Were 14

8 / 08 - But the Palestinians Dream of Electric Sheep?

For Akko still meet people, other Italians, who come from the West Bank and fill me with fresh stories, first hand.
enough, I have to get back on my journey to Jerusalem and from there try to visit Ramallah, Nablus, Jenin, Jericho, Hebron ...
Akko, sweet, beautiful, charming city, farewell, tomorrow I head to foot to Nazareth (which is approximately 45 km), I'll stop ' probably Iblin, halfway.
But before leaving the Mediterranean coast, where it is impossible to really think about that somewhere else, Jews and Muslims (and Christians all `at) is massacrino each other, I want to tell something of Haifa, and came back two days.
Haifa is from `the other side of the Gulf on all` I'm in now, from the port of Acre, the city with its skyscrapers built on top of the hill you can see well. The town is lively and cute, but is famous because of the shrine of the Baha `i religion Baha `i` a new monotheism, which claims to replace the other three previous all-absorbing aspects of the sacred texts, prophets, some principles, as did the then cristinesimo l `Islam. It is founded in 1800 by a visionary Persian that has nothing to do with the Holy Land, EXCEPT ', having been jailed and exiled because of his views were too modern ships prior to rot in Istanbul, then in the prisons of Akko, which is dead. Akko by his followers brought the body to Haifa because it was `c` a better view of the sea (I assume) to honor what they have built is called "the most beautiful garden in the Middle East." Not bad actually, I confirm: 18 treated terraces have to take the last blade of grass, which descend from the hill sloping down almost to the sea.
What's more funny is that according to this founder was forbidden to live in the Holy Land, because it is holy ` a desecration. The segueci of Bahaism (6 million worldwide) strictly comply with these instructions: they are for limited periods in rotation, so manialcale to take care of the garden and the tomb. In short, we live in the Holy Land one Baha `i: the founder. Dead.

Israle My second night I walked to the tortuous paths of Haifa, suddenly empty, dark and rather sinister to say the truth, full of ugly mugs crouched in the shade definitely ready to kill for 10 schekel.
But I had to find something to eat!
You will see the only place that was still open sandwiches and trovatomi holding something huge that could not be swallowed in its entirety, I searched places to eat quietly.
L `intuition, defying fears and prejudices, has led me to sit on a bench, in the famous dark alley, where 4 of these" ugly mugs "discussing whether to cut my throat or shoot me in the stomach.
Ameer, Tamer, Morad, Aisa.
We talked for two hours like old friends, burned with curiosity mutual telling and joking around a lot, doing word games, teaching songs, smoking hookah in turn the smell.
Morad, the more young, has twenty years', he says: "Why in Italy are all quiet? My cuigino studied in Italy and tells me that the people is always relaxed."
'm really curious to explore this new vision of Italian ...
"Here are all bad-more-no, not all of 50 and 50. They kill, steal, there is` the Mafia. In Haifa and is more comfortable but `we` good `. Look, I'm Christian, he is a Christian, and he himself are Muslims. We're friends, we come here every night, talk, smoke. All gioprni after work. We live in the same alley. Why should there be problems? Hence, the only problem has been in 2006 when Lebanon launch Katyusha rockets on Haifa, a rocket is dropped next to my house ... BOOM! "
"I would go to work in the United States, if I could," this is invce Ameer.
"Why the other hand, there are problems between Jews and musulamni?" I dare to ask.
Tuomi, what brought the hookah, responds to all: "I do not know."
Then everyone remains silent for a while.
The few words of Tuomi and the silence that follows, I consider them a satisfactory answer. Indeed, the best that I can receive.
I had to come here to hear this wise response, to meet these poor Arabs, curious, born in this city where they will die without ever being released.

Then go to kids, and for some tortuous streets like these, we end up talking about "donkey and transformation." At this point I ask if they know the story of Pinocchio. The CONOS. `The argument touches them in an indescribable way and instinctive; heats. D become a true human being, to become animal, and the reality, the `illusion ...
ponder: their day to day life in a stagnant condition limbic, isolated from the rest of the world-from the rest of the Arab world.
Such a condition of powerlessness: they see every day make decisions on their head, against them, even if only symbolically, as in the story of Jesus' Akko, or with daily reports of casualties in the occupied territories that might affect the their relatives. And they can not invoke anything. Can attach only to a vague and ineffective international outrage, which in 50 years did not lead to anything, with all UN resolutions by the various Israeli governments regularly violated, and no repercussions. (I'm not saying that Arafat is not to blame and `RESPONSIBILITY, quiet!, but that is another story). A condition
SO suspended and unfinished which makes me think of a Pinocchio stuck in mid transformation - still half wood, half a man already, and now that it `does not go forward nor back`. As surrogates of
And, more or less as in the case of all `` androids, living, dying, the `kill, let live, the sense of wonder, the tragedy, the rescue someone, the loss of his father or brother , so things are contiguous, separated by a `weak boundary so that one of these androids might be imprisoned in a single day to pass through them all, and another, stunned by the roar of History passes over with the force of a tank, it could happen to confodere `s one thing for another, tragically, death with life.

Ok, I apologize for the rhetoric, is out of hand too. But already here in the west coast, "paradise of coexistence between Jews and Arabs," what I see, what I hear tell, is touching me deeply.
I see their eyes, you see, I speak with them. Something always gets mistaken for, and in time to greet us, with these four guys from Haifa 4, with the 3 I knew in two days in Akko, c `and` I see a spark in their eyes, extend a handshake to that split second that can not go to bed and start to think about all `other.

Solution To Level 41 Electric Box

8 / 08 - San Quirico d'Orcia is in the Middle Oriete

should try to imagine the place where I sleep in Akko: it is called Akko Gate Hostel, but it is a house where the owner, Walid (a huge man in seemingly harsh reality that it is the second day proved very nice, to his own way, I assure you that deserve to spend an evening together) with brilliant intuition built a shed with piles of wood and tiles on his terrace, he `el rienpita bunk beds made of the sin of masonry scaffolding with wooden boards and 5 cm high mattress rests on. It does not end here: in the house work is in heavy construction (Walid seriously wants to build a hostel and a bar on the terrace, he says) and bricklayers, from 12 to 17 use the room terrace-like deposits, sawmill, etc..
To sum up all in a `romantic image, this morning I woke up covered with 1 cm of plaster dust.
Funny, but I'm pretty fond of this place, like all other travelers who live there (some even much more picky than me, among other things!). There is something magical, its atmosphere, the trappings are hung everywhere, the presence of heavy invadnte Walid, the odd fun solidarity born of all international visitors.
And then ... that's what really convinced me to stay here for my second night in Akko: I open my eyes this morning pushing the inch of chalk dust and what my eyes see, including an umbrella swaying hanging from a beam and a tangle of rope that runs along the ceiling? Tiles! `Well?, Someone will think`. `Well, every tile has had its reference to production:
My friends ... Italy, Tuscany ... I passed by St. Quirico just six days ago, returning from a trip to the Maremma with Ramona ...
Let me close my eyes for a moment and think: I'm home!