Thursday, February 5, 2009

Where Can I Watch Howard Tv?


Immediately investigations have focused on his wife and her new partner is not ignoring all other tracks as the racket of cars or any romances (tracks almost now abandoned) begins
various interrogation at the Prosecutor's Office of cream and at the police station, are listened to relatives, friends and, often, the President of the "Voice of the Parents Forever" great friend of Angelo always near him in his battles, an association which Angelo was its manager for the area of \u200b\u200bCrema. They are also seeking two suspects who appear to be in Poland where they went in the morning following the murder. The day of the funeral of our dear Angel, in the early afternoon, was finally heard the new companion of the wife of Angelo returned from Poland. A few weeks later he was heard, not on the proxy (as the prosecutor that day was absent), but in the police station the wife of Angelo.
various interrogations continue always in the close circle of friends of Angelo, but the turning point in this murder, the prosecution seems to expect from Ris di Parma and which 'was given the charge to find any evidence to nail the killers.
Today, after almost a year and a half after his death and several postponements in court pending the outcome of the RIS, the prosecution seems, what emerged in the press, at a standstill. The long-awaited examination of the RIS did not produce the desired results. To date the only suspects still at large 's wife and her new companion.
Who killed our dear friend, Angel?? Question to which only the Public Prosecutor of the Republic of
cream can be answered, if it is able to provide it ... ....


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