Thursday, February 5, 2009

Gay Cruises New England



Vice President David Arcari
Louis Frosi
Administration Manager Danilo Marini

REGISTERED A / R advance by fax at N. 06-46993125

on 12/11/2007 Sig.Presidente of the Italian Republic
ON. Giorgio Napolitano
Palace of QuirinalePiazza Quirinale00186 ROMAtelefax 06 46993125 President who writes is the President of The Voice of Parents Forever of Cremona, I had written a letter on Aug. 28 of this' year (we also received his authoritative answer) to ask for His help to solve a very delicate that involved a minor. (find below a brief description of the facts that I had already sent the new part in bold). Unfortunately at the bottom you will find the latest developments and the tragic ending of this story. We as an Association we have destroyed our dear friend was brutally murdered Angelo smashing his skull .... While I am 'writing this letter does not yet know the name of or perpetrators ..... A brief description of the facts:

"was born May 4, 2000 small DianaMaggio
2002 Marital Crisis the mother goes to Poland with the small, one week after he returned to Italy but leaves little Diana from her grandmother in Poland mother until October of that year.
October 25, 2002 marital separation, the child was entrusted to the mother along with the marital home, the father can see the child on days established by the Court, but until April of 2003, the mother prevents any relationship with her father's daughter. For this reason, the father makes numerous complaints to the police.
April 2003 The mother reported the little Diana in Poland without even tell my father. The mother always comes back to Italy in June of that year but left little in Poland. Meanwhile there is the third hearing in court where his mother is committed to bring in the little Italy by July 2003. The child will return in Italy until September 2003.24
September 2003 the Court decided that the parent can see the little at the kindergarten every afternoon and alternate Saturdays and Sundays.
December 13, 2003 his father was informed by the kindergarten teacher that his mother was the daughter pruned back to Poland.
January 10, 2004 The child's mother returned to Italy of course without the child.
January 16, 2004 court hearing the mother reports that little is admitted to a sanatorium because he needs to polish cure.Fine February 2004 his father's small, it is informed by teachers that the child is returned.
March 3, 2004 the Court decided that the father can see the little every day from 15.30 till 17.30
July 30, 2004 until this date the father was able to see the almost regular except for some small days in which the mother said the girl was affected and could not leave the house.
August 3, 2004 the father receives a letter which you wrote that the mother and the child was found in Poland.
December 2004 the father asks the Court to a CTU
The Court decided in May 2005 for a joint custody
July 2005 's mother used in the Court of Appeal Brescia against joint custody.
23 July to 6 August 2005 Little Diana's father spends with a short vacation.
August 9, 2005 The father receives a letter where it says, the mother and children left for Poland
October 2, 2005 The mother returned to Italy, leaving little in Poland. From that date, August 9, 2005 the little Diana is no longer returned to Italy in February 2006
The Court of Appeal of Brescia after further provides that the CTU little Diana is entrusted to the Father, the mother can see with the small the presence of social services. At this point, the mother of small for divorce and sought joint custody.
November 10, 2006, the Court in the divorce confirmed in toto the ruling of the Court of Appeal of Brescia
Meanwhile, the father turns to the Tribunal of the Polish family for the return of the child (Hague Convention). There was a hearing before December 12, 2006 where the Family Court has ordered a Polish CTU. The CTU was performed on 26 and 27 January 2007 and according to this Court for the CTU Polish family has called a hearing for March 21, 2007. While the judge was reading the sentence that according to what was expressed by the experts were in favor for the return of the child, the lawyer the child's mother filed a request dovericusava the Court. At this point it was interrupted the reading of the measure. After a week the court rejected the request and gave time 7 days to submit any appeal to the District Court. The mother's attorney filed the appeal with the Court Circondariale blocking of the Court made the decision for the family. Action respinto.Il July 4, 2007 at the Court of Poznan was issued the ruling to return the child in Italy, this seemed really the end of this incredible story, but the mother again filed an appeal against this ruling in doing so captured the enforceability the sentence and still do not know yet times, but the times certainly are not short. This father is more 'than two years can not hug his little girl .... even though the Italian and Polish law giving him the reason .... HELP U.S. President .....
09/10/2007 the Polish Court of Appeals issued the ruling in Italy to return the small final ruling Diana seemed the end of a nightmare. Instead .... 24 / 10 / 2007 father went to Poland to take the little Diana ... Poland arrived in front of the house with the Italian consul and the Polish police the sad news of Diana and her mother were gone .... no one knew where they were. The grandfather said that the little his mother had admitted to a sanatorium but did not know .... did not know where else ....
25/10/2007 Angelo returned to Italy for the umpteenth time without his beloved little girl .... but the most 'absurd is that the 26 / 10 ie the day after her mother Diana and the small her new husband back in Italy too .... but no one can 'make him or tell him anything .....
26/10/2007 The court-mandated to Polish Polish police to look for a little Diana is to be returned immediately to Italy ....
27/10/2007 Angelo said that the day before ie 26 followed by a car carrying a guy with his face half covered .....
30/10/2007 Angelo formalize the complaint to the police was being followed and to be afraid .....

Between the evening of the day 30/10 and 31/10/2007 Angelo Diana's father is brutally murdered in her home .... smashing his skull .....

09/11/2007 a journalist with the Corriere della Sera party the day before to Poznan (Poland) where the child was to be incredibly discovers that the child is enrolled in the school of Poznan and lives there with his grandparents and if the mother wants them to be returned from Italy on the morning of October 31 ... But the child did not have to be sought by the Polish police?? Why would a journalist one day and found all the police from 26 October had not found it yet?? what will 'now this little girl ....???? President what we can do to bring justice to our dear beloved father of this little girl Angelo C ...??? 'is still justice in our beloved country ...???
Now I know 'that's for us as an association with the City of cream, creamy, Trescore, Rivolta d'Adda, and we hope many more are basing FOUNDATION "ANGEL Ogliara" which will deal' mostly all the separations and divorces with children involved, and of these terrible cases of children abducted and taken abroad ..... because one day we can hope that such situations do not occur more'.... Awaiting His authoritative response Thanking you in advance and apologize for the trouble I take this opportunity to extend my most cordial greetings


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