Monday, June 15, 2009

How Many Calories Is In Chicken Chow Mein

AND THIS 'JUSTICE ....???????

the newspaper The Province of 11Giugno 2009

Porto 'the daughter of Polish Ogliari
Lewandoska sentenced to 14 months

"child abduction"
Judgement for the merchant's wife killed in Cremosano in 2007 "

One year and two months imprisonment. It 'came in late yesterday afternoon the second conviction for child abduction, this time covering the period between September 2005 and November 2007, issued by the Court of cream against Joolanta Lewandoska.

her, the former wife of the late Angelo Ogliari, was not in court to hear the verdict, read just after midday by Judge Maria Stella Leone. 'E' in Poland ", he had merely confirmed the defender, the lawyer Martin Boschiroli before they opened the hearing.

And in a few days, will expire and the time limits of the investigation that sees the former dancer quarantunenne registered in of suspects along with the companion Fagraldines Edgar, aged 49. For both the offense and suggested 'the murder, the killing of her husband. And not against them ', however, was never prepared any restrictive measure.

Ogliari, car salesman for 43 years, was beaten to death in the courtyard of his house to Cremosano the night of 30 October 2007. Between separated spouses, relations were strained for some time because of foster care of daughter Diana, born in 2000. And the trial held yesterday is a trail of those tensions.

The small, according to the decision of the judges, should remain with his father. Jolanta but do not report 'never in Italy, after a holidays in Poland, the homeland of the woman pope 'Angelo had no more' way to review Diana summer of 2005 until his death. Hence the complaints that led to a first conviction of Jolanta Lewandoska to 15 months imprisonment (pending appeal) and the ruling by Judge Leo, at the end of a proceeding held under expedited. At the hearing, to deal with the prosecution and 'was the deputy Antonio Andronico.

Cristiano Mariani (Daily Journal The Province of Cremona.)

the newspaper The Chronicle of May 13, 2008

Diana's mother took away the daughter illegally

The woman held the child in Poland, though not right. The penalty is 15 months and € 10 000, and the judge has been 'frozen' pending the granting of the pardon of the appeal process which is increasingly Jolanda Lewandowska and its compliance with Italian laws.

Diana's mother was sentenced to one year and three months imprisonment and 10 000 euro fine because he held the little Diana in Poland against the law required it to return to his father, who had right.

Diana's mother is Yolanda Lewandoska, investigated by the prosecutor of Crema, the death of her husband, Angelo Ogliari on 31 October and which is still waiting for the examinations of Ris di Parma, postponed three times and this time data on the home straight, as evidence that the incident is based on these examinations is set for next May 19.

II proceedings for which there was no sentence, however, concerns the woman and her daughter. The indictment is an abductor and get to the decision last Friday it took a year and a half to set up the process and nine months to get to the decision. What

but now there is.

Here's how it went.

In August 2005 Jolanda Lewandowska takes his daughter from the house of Angelo Ogliari, from which separate lives, and port in Poland. A few weeks later the husband gets custody of small even by the Court of Brescia, with whom she has appealed against a ruling of the court of first cream that took away the little he had entrusted to her and her husband .

Furthermore, on November 26 of that year, Lewandowska is sentenced to ten days in jail and a thousand euro fine because he had not complied with the order of the court which included regular visits of the Pope to the child

In response to the decision comes a letter to his father that says that can see his daughter as expected at midday every day. In Poland.

E 'obvious insult to which the father subject and decides to sue his wife for child abduction.

starts from here a long series of complaints and actions that lay bare all the evil of bureaucracy and the inadequacy of the legal system relating to children of separated couples and burst. A great evil that leads to arithmetic with a justice who does not know how old and slow to respond effectively. In the case of

Ogliari, you get to agree with him always too late. After his death.

The case, first there is a delay because the woman is not the address, then the process starts without the woman, who is there in Poland and it looks good from appearing in court, then the ' Last Friday's hearing, in which the public prosecutor Raffaele Pesiri asks the court to order the woman to nine months in prison and the judge Cristian Vettoruzzo crush your hand, reaching to 15 months imprisonment and a fine of 10 000 € to be settled immediately, but without the party winning, represented by Laura Oliari, can resort to civil action. But the judge also suspended the benefit of the pardon because it hangs in Brescia on an appeal of the woman at the very first sentence.

In all likelihood, the lawyer Martin Boschiroli defending the interests of Lewandowska, will also appeal against this ruling. And Diana is still where it is.

Pier Giorgio Ruggeri (The Chronicle Newspaper Journalist)

release signed by the President of
The Voice of Parents Forever David Arcari of 12/06/2009

AND THIS 'JUSTICE ....???????

Where is the justice in our country ...???? Angelo Ogliari killed October 30, 2007 by unknown hands, perhaps the justice to which he had not addressed it will 'never be able to honor him .... The ex-wife and not because the two were only separated has been convicted in a first trial to 16 months imprisonment and now yesterday's news (10 June 2009) has again been sentenced to 14 months in prison total of 30 months imprisonment on paper. In practice, the lady who flies in Poland only when approaching a hearing can rotate freely between Italy and Poland as if nothing had happened. The offense for which he was convicted of a crime is not light but it is child abduction a crime that deserve heavy sentences and executive and antics like these. Nobody can 'afford to take a child away from its parent nell'inlegalità acting and thinking to come out clean. If this is the judiciary's efforts will have little effect at this time that the Foreign Ministry in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Interiors are doing to prevent other cases like that of Diana, if small then there is the certainty of punishment (inter-ministerial task force on international child abduction). These people over the crime of child abduction already very serious in itself inlegalmente have decided to take a right and a duty to the other parent, and more importantly they have canceled a parent figure to less innocent victim. This can not be 'called justice.
These days expire the terms of the investigation initiated by the prosecutor of cream after the murder of Angelo Ogliari of October 30, 2007, has been nearly two years, however, do not delude ourselves that we finally see a trial of rest and 'news these days for the murder in Rome in Via Poma of poor Simon on 7 August 1990 it is perhaps' his guilty after 20 years ....... then we, his friends and his relatives do not have to wait still about 18 years and hope that in the meantime, a PM will take to heart this heinous murder .....

Association The Voice of Parents Forever
David Arcari


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