Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Atrial Tachycardia Sinus Tachycardia

ABOUT THE VISA? Cremosano to the crime of Angelo

A team to investigate the creamy
Ogliari Angel of Death, killed the night of
30 and 31 October 2007. The investigation at risk of filing
ANDRA 'IN ONDA MONDAY 9 November 2009

Cremosano - A heinous crime, the investigation in which prosecutors are traveling to the storage, the memory of Angelo Ogliari in the words of his friend David Arcari, president of the "Parents Forever" and the crew of 'Who has seen "that came to investigate a murder case that is still not guilty. For three days the journalist Paola Grauso the preparation of the known program of RAI will be groped cream to give an answer to that question is the crime of auto dealer creamy. Angelo Ogliari was killed in his house a creamy notes between 30 and 31 October 2007. They found him in the bathroom of the garage surrounded by a pool of blood and his skull smashed. For that crime was completed in register of suspects his ex-wife Jolanta Lewandoska and fellow Uruguayan Edgar Fragaldines. Both are always guilty.
The investigation has stalled "We will see some good," said David Arcari that always strives to keep alive the memory of Angelo, who recently had a meeting with the attorney for Daniel Borgonovo review progress on an investigation that the truth is doomed to failure, "we Angelo, there'll never forget, and the fact that there is here the program" Chi l'ha visto? "may be an important stimulus" » . And in the Attorney Grauso go for news on a survey which once had been opened by the prosecutor Benito Melchionna and never gave the impression of being close to discovering the truth. The crew will remain in town until tomorrow. Yesterday, in addition to Arcari, was interviewed the mayor of Cremosano, Raphael Perrino, who fought for him to be rebuilt the truth of the facts and found guilty, to date, however, it appears very likely check-in.
The legal battle for her daughter Diana Angelo Ogliari last year of his life he fought desperately for his daughter Diana at his side. The girl had gone to Poland with his mother and was not returned. Angelo has always contested custody to the mother and had also appealed to the Polish court. In her fight was supported by the group of parents who gather around Arcari Parents Association and for Always. Some judgments were given reason to Ogliari, but he never had time to hug his daughter. Some - but investigators have always suspected that people were more - I waited in the courtyard of his house and broke it massacred. A murder, that of Cremosano, which risks impunity. A story that will star in an episode of "Chi l'ha visto?".

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Techdeck Truks On Berlin Wood

Corriere della Sera on 20 October 2009

Cream Two years ago the crime Ogliari.
's investigation should be closed by December.
Yellow daughter's contention
A murder 'forgotten'
No letters rogatory
for Polish wife accused of murder.
Investigations Mystery of the three footprints
a foot nude
found by Ris on the stage of 'murder

CREAM - In a few days will be two years. Two years Ogliari Angelo was murdered in his house of Cremosano two years that the daughter Diana (where to be entrusted to him after a final ruling) live in Poland with his mother, two years on the register are written the names of suspects Women, Witzack Marzena Jolanta Lewandowska, 42, and his partner Edgar Fagraldines, 49, accused of murder. Two years in which the main suspect, heard briefly in cream only once four months after the crime by a young judge, is not never even been questioned. And so this story is likely to fall inexorably 's oblivion, despite the many clues contained in the folders' s investigation to be closed in December. A police officer today at the National Summit of Public Safety says that a crime is solved in the first 24 hours or never. Here are the past two years, without even a letter of request was made to "squeeze" the 'ex-wife Ogliari living in Poznan, Poland (where he was joined by the Courier a few days after the crime), and that in these two years is also failed several times in Crema, where he lives and works his partner. But there were other holes in 'investigated by Pesiri pm: Where you do not know' is over 's car Ogliari which is not considered by Ris and that between the' else seems to find a cell phone, the data were not cross Telecom printouts of the 'cells' Cream of the area and creamy in the hours around the crime (the night between 30 and 31 October), have not been checking records of many cameras at toll road. Surveys of Ris is instead revealed an interesting detail: at the scene there 'was a woman. While attempting to clean up traces left three impressions of his bare feet wet with the blood of the victim who flooded the garage. Length, width and shape of the footprints - Ris write in their report delivered more than a year ago to judges - are very similar to those of the 'suspect' with an overlap quite impressive. " Unfortunately, the fingerprint data are missing details such as papillary ridges which would change l 'element in a test. But the clues are many. The contest for the 'custody of Diana ending October 9, 2007 when the decision becomes enforceable. On October 24 Ogliari in Poland to take the baby, but mother and daughter are gone and so back in Italy waiting for a call from 's embassy. On October 26, also Lewandowska and his partner are in Italy. On 30 morning Ogliari presents a complaint to the police in which he says that the 'ex-wife is a cream and turns with a blonde wig (a fact which will then be confirmed by the woman), adding that he stalked and guarded by Fagraldines and feel in danger. The next day is going to go to the chief prosecutor Benito Melchionna but on the night of 30 and 31 at least two people waiting for him hidden in the garden of the villa of creamy. When you enter the gate will be attacked kicked, punched and locked. Then drag the box and finished with an incredible violence. On 31 morning and Lewandowska Fagraldines car share for Poland.
Luigi Corvi (Corriere della Sera.)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Welcome Note 26th January

ANGELO CRIME Ogliara, ranging to the archive. EVIL TRIUMPHS ON THE PROPERTY ....

OF October 15, 2009
Arcari (Parents forever):
"The prosecutor will file without evidence murder Ogliari "
At what point is the investigation about the murder of Angelo Ogliari, killed in the early hours of October 31, 2007? The question we were there the mail no more than a week ago when the Association The voice of parents always had commemorated their poor partner and friend murdered. And if the President is also made David Arcari that holding a pen and paper, wrote to Attorney Daniel Borgonovo to know what is the architect on the second floor of the court of cream. A surprise (it was the third time I asked for the hearing without Arcari obtain it), the prosecutor called him and gave him an appointment for Tuesday at 11. Arcari And we went to the appointment and was told that he would never have wanted to hear. And that is that it is true that the prosecution has requested a second extension, which expires in January, but the novelty is that the murderess or killers remain unpunished because the attorney is willing to close the investigation without asking for the dismissal of the case referral requests for trial. In practice, no evidence was found against the two suspects, the wife of Angelo Ogliari and his current partner and what the attorney has earned in two years of investigation, the prosecutor does not feel like sending them to court Assize risking a bad impression. End of story. But the attorney has left open a crack, however, saying that if something were to move they are ready to reopen the proceedings and go to the fondo.Indagini wrong from the outset led to this final solution, painful and not at all gratifying. So if something happens that was unimaginable in Cremosano we saw a perfect crime. Or, as the leader of the Ris: "There is no perfect crime, but investigations are imperfect." (Pier Giorgio Ruggeri)
Angelo Ogliari found dead October 31, 2007
Meredith Kercher was found dead Nov. 2, 2007
Two young lives cruelly broken ......
today we can say
Meredith Justice
Justice Angelo NO
Why ...???
Maybe nobody will give us' this answer ....
There is a perfect crime? Respond Colonel Luciano Pink Commander RIS of Parma.
"the perfect crime there is no word of Colonel Luciano Garofano Commander Ris di Parma who spoke at a press conference at the Science Museum in Milan says: "..... with all the tools we have virtually all the crimes should be discovered, then it is clear that there are so many variables, often resources are not as 'appropriate to make this realistic perfection and then unfortunately it ends in the perfect crime what can' be an imperfect or incomplete survey .... ... "The Colonel Pink states that every contact leaves a trail ......... Asked why 'the perfect crime becomes Colonel Pink replies: "..... Because 'resources, the merger would not allow us to be so' efficient and thus' be made perfect in my opinion potentially solve every crime solved ........." words that leave no doubt Angelo's killers because they are not brought to justice .....
Association President David Arcari The Voice of Parents Forever.

Friday, October 9, 2009

At What Age Do Women Learn To Masterbate


Last night, October 7th starting at 20:00 with an S. Mass in the church and Trescore Cremasco is' remembered a great man but also a great pope'.... Dear Angelo Ogliari murdered two years ago 'by hands unknown ..... perhaps only the prosecutor's participation in the cream ....... Good night .... but once again our local politicians might have preferred a good dinner than to remember a person who gave his life for a justice that more 'than once turned his back to them all .... it' s our more 'felt contempt .... After the Holy Mass celebrated by parish priest Fr Paul went to the oratory where 'was donated to the Scroll of Fatherhood' which was awarded to Angel at the March 19, 2008 in Rome for having dedicated his life to trying to look after children for believing that the love of a father was a commitment to grow beyond over all obstacles and risks, to have been confirmed as most tragic ...... Before the gift you and 'give a brief memory of Angelo by the President of The Voice of Parents Forever and from the village priest Don Paolo, a very touching memories. The people who filled the room and asked the oratory will continue 'to seek justice for Angelo.La attorney should know that we do not now or ever forget our dear angel and we want his murderers are brought to justice as soon as possible .... .. We are also ready to start against the Public Prosecutor in heavy cream if we will not be heard ...... Into this day a new letter to the Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor of cream to be received and listened to if we do not receive any communication we are ready with the associations throughout Italy to demonstrate in front of the prosecutor all our rage .... why 'Angelo deserves JUSTICE ...... Just wondering ..... AT THE BOTTOM OF JUSTICE We all hope that the attorney receive us and give us assurances on this amazing story .....